
Baby Hints & Tips

How long did it take to get pregnant using clomid?

Clomid: Clomiphene citrate is an oral medication used to treat infertility.  Clomid is used to help induce ovulation.  Clomid is the most commonly used first line option for infertility, as it can be prescribed by a gynaecologist and does not require a fertility specialist. 

Clomid stimulates the body to release naturally occuring hormones called follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenising hormone (LH) which stimulate ovulation. Clomid stimulates ovulation in 80% of cases.  

Clomid is used when women have irregular cycles or are not ovulating.  Clomid can also be used in infertility related to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Clomid product information

how long did it take to fall pregnant on clomidI’m after some personal success stories (like how long it took) with using Clomid to fall pregnant? I start next month, and am so worried it will be months and months and don’t want to get my hopes up, but secretly hope it works first time.

Medical disclaimer: Tips provided need to be considered in conjunction with medical advice. For immediate concerns, please contact HealthDirect (Australia wide) ph 1800 022 222 – to talk to a registered nurse 24hrs a day, and in emergencies call 000.

  • We took 11 years to conceive our first baby. We used clomid off and on during that time and had two miscarriages along the way. I eventually fell pregnant using up the last of my current clomid in November 2012 just before a holiday we were taking before starting IVF. I now have an 18 month old and a 5 month old. I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks before starting ivf and then fell first month we tried for second bub. It’s a tough journey and for some clomid helps straight away but I’ve learnt that all fertility struggles are individual and never the same for anyone. Good luck and if you want I’m happy for you to pm message me for more details. Emily
  • I know you’ve asked for success stories, but I think it’s important to know the reality is that it doesn’t work for some people. We tried four rounds, 50, 100 & 150 doses and I did not ovulate once. We had to use IVF and the injections worked for me. My friend however got pregnant 2nd Clomid cycle. All the best Steph
  • Took me one cycle of Clomid to conceive. Joselle
  • After 2 years of trying for a baby I felt devastated. After that I was taking clomid for 3 months and was feeling defeated as it was not working. My doctor doubled the dose and I did another three months, on the last month I fell pregnant We could not believe our luck . I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl who now is 4 1/2 months old. Be strong. I wish you all the best Bianca
  • It comes down to person to person. If I can, I would like to offer you some advice. Make sure that you are properly monitored while on it. I was on it and was not properly monitored by my doctor, and it was a shocking time. If you have a doctor who has your needs paramount you should be fine. Good luck with it, it messed with my moods lol. It was horrible for me, but comical for my coworkers at the time. It does work though. I fell pregnant on my 5th month with twins (miscarried, but not due to the Clomid). Tomara
  • I was on Gonal F and had an egg harvest. Either way- Be positive but also open and prepared for whatever happens. I had a bumpy few months before success and my sad days before the final result. It’s hard not to get your hopes up or to get disappointed but don’t give up. Good luck! Shai
  • My 2nd pregnancy took 2 hits of Clomid to fall pregnant. Since then I have fallen pregnant 3 times naturally Kristy
  • My dr had me try clomid after I had a miscarriage at the age of 38. She wanted me to do the clomid challenge test to see how my eggs and ovaries responded. I got pregnant with my son on the first round 100mg, taken on cycle days 5-9. I now have a healthy 17 month old boy. At 40, I wanted to get pregnant again, and took clomid again. This time I got pregnant on the second round, and I’m holding my 2 week old baby girl in my arms as I type. In addition to clomid, I took opks, monitored my basal temperature daily, used Preseed, and used ‪fertilityfriend.com to chart it all. The side effects of hot flashes and being a little overly emotional were nothing compared to the joy of having children. Good luck to you! I hope you get pregnant soon. Leeandra
  • My first cycle on Clomid I over stimulated and produced 6 eggs (3 on each side) so the dr decided it was too risky to have intercourse due to the fact I may have 6 babies ! Clomid worked too well for me so the dr tried Letrozole (I was the first in Australia to try it for fertility) and bam I was pregnant first cycle. I now have a beautiful healthy 4 month old daughter. Leanne
  • I was on Clomid for 5 months. After about 3 months I decided to try acupuncture (wasn’t a big believer but thought it wouldn’t hurt to give it a go) and after that I had two normal cycles then got pregnant! Good luck & stay positive! Melissa
  • We used clomid to conceive our daughter 5 years ago. We thought it would take ages but it worked first go. When we were ready to try for another, we tried naturally but it just wasn’t working so we tried Clomid again. Bam… First time success again….and had twins (now 18months). Pieta

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