
Baby Hints & Tips

Induction of Labour – positive birth stories

induction of labourQ: Can anyone share their positive birth stories with induction of labour?

  • I was induced labour and LOVED it. Mine was elective. I was so nervous about the pain and not having everyone ready for me. This way, I got to circle the date on the calendar and have my husband, OB, and midwife all ready for me – Amy
  • I was induced one week overdue. It was full on but quick. All over and done with in 4 hours. I would have done it all again the next day. Only had a bit of gas. Such a beautiful experience – Amy
  • I experienced being induced with both of my babies and the only positive thing is, you’ll get a baby at the end of it – Nicole
  • I liked being induced! After a pre labour that started on a tues, coming and going I had no idea what was happening. Was induced at 7am on the sat, contractions started at about 830-9, gradually getting a bit more intense. Had an epi at 630pm and bub was born naturally at 11:28pm 9lb 8 oz – Sarah
  • Was induced at 41wks. Gel done at 8am, contractions started nearly straight away (4hrs active labour), no pain relief & my beautiful boy born at 8.20pm. Best & easiest labour I have had (3 kids, middle one induced) – Lee
  • YESSSS! Induced twice out of 3. All natural & no pain relief, wonderful experiences. I welcomed the pain as it brings you closer to seeing your baby & with being induced you can see baby quicker – Yolani
  • Every one told me horror stories but I had a really positive experience after being induced. I was induced at 39 +5 baby had stopped growing. Had gel at 7.30pm contractions at 9.30 water broke at 5am and DS born at 11am. Epidural definitely helped and I would do it again – Jess
  • I was induced with the gel had 5min contractions last approx a minute from the start (totally doable) and dilated 5cm in 12hrs-winner in my opinion! My only issue was my little ratbag turned at that point to posterior and presented her chin (who does that??) otherwise I would’ve had her earlier! It was my first so I can’t compare but if you stay relaxed you’ll be absolutely fine – Meagan
  • The only positive is you get your baby. The rest of the experience is a freaking nightmare – Kiri
  • I was induced at 40+6. Had stretch and sweep then gel the next day. Within 12 hrs of having gel bubs came along. No stitches or tears- text book delivery – Alice
  • I was induce with all my 3 kids. Waters broken but no action. Loved it has two kids arrived within 4 hours and my eldest was 6 hours – Sue
  • Labour isn’t pleasant any way you look at it but it doesn’t last forever and the end result is worth it ten fold – Sam
  • It wasn’t me who originally asked. My induction was fine refused pit (called syntocinon in Australia) and had my baby drug free just like I wanted to. I was sad that I needed to be induced but given my extensive knowledge I felt it was the best decision given my situation. My only regret is not requesting steroids for my baby’s lungs due to my gestation (37+1) – Jade
  • I have had both sides of the coin. An awful first labour that was a cold induction, but seeing as you want positive, I’ll give you my second induction.  Essentially I was mildly contracting and my waters leaked. Due to infection I was given no longer than 48 hours to go into labour on my own. Nothing happened and I returned to the hospital the next morning. Wasn’t contracting so they suggested the drip. I was worried because of my first labour but I knew I had to give my baby the best chance and was even more terrified of a c-section. So they started the drip. Contractions got worse and worse (like they are supposed to) but I had a short active labour (under three hours), could move around (unlike my first) and I felt everything (had an epidural first time). Baby was born in just under 5 hours from start to finish. It was a really lovely experience, except she was shoulder dystocia (nothing to do with being induced). So after a first horrible experience, I went back a second time and will be a third in April!   Whatever it takes to bring your baby into the world – Jocelyn
  • January this year I was induced by having my waters broken. I was so scared of it but they broke them at 2pm half hr later I started walking round to bring on labour. By 3:15 I had contractions every 3 mins and by 4pm she was out. Was 100x easier labour than my first – Erin
  • 5 pregnancies and all induced. I actually dont see anything negative about it. Wasn’t uncomfortable, it just had to be done and All went well. 5 beautiful healthy babies – Julie
  • I was induced early due to big baby and gestational diabetes I had the tape and ended up having over stimulation from it and was having contractions within 4 hours and he was then out within 6 hours – Bree
  • All positive for me  I was induced with my first baby at 40+8 (now 6 and a half weeks old) with 2mg gel at 9.30am and another 1mg gel at 4pm. Period like cramping started at 5pm and contractions began at 7pm, which were 5mins apart. Moved to the birthing suite at 7.45pm to have some gas, waters broke at 8.45pm and bub was born at 9.46pm without any other pain relief and only needed 2 external stitches. Everyone is different though which was proven with another lady who was induced exactly the same way, within 5mins of me and was still without a baby 24 hours later, resulting in a cesarean. Not necessarily a result of being induced but she couldn’t dilate from 9cms and bub was getting stuck. Each to their own but I believe your mindset going into it makes a difference – Jacqui
  • I was induced both times as I go into labour and dilate without knowing so I get induced to bring on contractions and honestly I had not issues either time I think everyone is different therefore everyone’s experience is different, I’ll just add both my births were completely pain medication free not even gas – Emma
  • Had 2. First for medical reason. Was a long day at the office but all went perfectly. Second was elective – waters broken at midday, baby born at 1430. Just gas for first labour, oh and some pethidine and then tens (highly recommend) and gas for the second one. Different obstetricians both times. I count my blessings over and over that I was lucky enough to have fabulous midwives on both occasions. Would def opt to be induced again if I was having another – Sarah
  • I had my dd via an induced VBAC (has c/s for twins due to both being breech and pre-eclampsia). Had the gel at 2pm, contractions started soon after, steadily built in intensity. Waters broke naturally at 6:30pm. Dd born at 8:20pm that night. Birth was delayed slightly as they were concerned she was getting distressed and wanted to get a blood sample but they struggled and in the end let me push and she was out a few contractions later. Some minor internal tears due to her having a hand up near her face during delivery, easily stitched up by the doc. I didn’t find that the contractions/pain was as bad as I expected it to be – Nicole
  • Went in at 41 + 2, waters broken, drip in and 3 hrs later we had our little lady. No tears, no dramas. Was almost easy…. Dare I say it – Susie
  • I got induced text book perfect only felt pain when getting closer to the birth – Heather
  • Have had 3 vaginal births. First came naturally 4 days over. Second and third where both induced 10 says over. Much preferred to be induced than natural. Natural – contractions started about 8.30pm and was awake all night with them, couldnt sleep went into hospital about 6am and had baby at 9.31am. Induced from time of first contraction to birth about 4 hours each. All excellent experiences. Wish I could have another  but our family is complete  love having babies – Kylie
  • My first was natural but I preferred being induced, I was induced around 10pm had a little sleep, woke up with start of labour around 2 and son was born at 7. It was only between 5-7 it was intense and I much preferred it to my natural labour – Kelly
  • I thought being induced was great and I was with both my boys I could organise everything and be fully prepared with my first was quite long but second only about 4 hours and only 2 hours of hard labour so don’t stress it’s kind of a good thing in some way – Jessica
  • I was induced with both mine – it was good being able to be “prepared” and plan for the day… First time I had nothing to compare it to, it was eleven hours, but i had epidural etc so it was ok…I asked to be induced when it came to my second baby. However, with my second, I was given the epidural before being induced so didn’t feel much at all – Jade
  • I got induced not by choice. Ended up having an emergency c-section. I’d do it again felt comfortable and confident being in hospital knowing the end result was baby. It doesn’t matter how it happens as long as mum and bub are safe and well – Shama
  • I was in pre labour for 3 days regular painful contractions that weren’t getting any closer together went to the hospital they induced me at 9:30 am and at 2:24 I had my bub. I hope they induce again if I have more than a day of pre labour as that was hell – Mickaela
  • I got to choose my baby’s birthday & I got my baby 3 weeks earlier then expected. That’s where the positives end – Katie
  • I had 3 of my children naturally no drugs my 4th I was induced at 39 weeks and it was triple the pain than going into labour naturally I ended up having an epidural I would never get induced again if I had the option. The labour ended up being nearlly 12hours.On a positive note you have a beautiful him baby at the end – Tara
  • I got induced at 40+1 and it was very positive! Balloon catheter overnight, folliwed by pitocen. 4 hour labour and 50 mins of pushing. It was painful but i had an epidural and it was really positive – Brooke
  • I was induced at 40 weeks, had balloon catheter inserted at 7:30pm it felt fairly uncomfortable but bearable. It fell out when I went to the toilet at about 10pm, I was in labour over night without medication because I didn’t realise. I actually coped ok except the last couple of hours were quite painful, though I had gas through that time which took the edge off. My daughter was born just after 7 in the morning. It was an uncomfortable experience but I liked that it was planned and I was at the hospital throughout the entire experience. Just make sure you discuss pain relief options because I left it far too late for an epidural to be an option for me. I wouldn’t change anything though. And my best advice is the breathing! Seriously concentrate on that it’s helps get through the major contractions if you go drug free – Jessica
  • I had the gel my waters broken then went into labour with out the drip 56 minutes later I had delivered the baby – Cassie
  • It was the better of my 2 births. I got an epidural early in. Went to sleep. Woke up with strong contractions. They checked and I was 7 cm and from there after 20 minutes I was holding my angel. It went really quick and not as bad as that slow 1 cm per hour business. Loved it and would ask for it next time if I can – Candace
  • My induction and labor weren’t bad. It was just long. We induced because my son wasn’t growing inside anymore. We went in at 6pm the evening before and I had my son at 5:55pm the next day. I was NOT in labor the whole time. The foley bulb was used to help dilate which caused painful cramps, worse than period cramps. However everything went smoothly, just took awhile. He was also my first child so I don’t know if it gets easier with the number of children as we haven’t had any more yet – Savannah
  • I got induced with my second baby. Got my waters broken at around 7:30am then put on oxytocin drip. The contractions started within half an hour, but wasn’t I’m active labour til 10:30am. The pain started getting quite intense around midday, then I had urge to push at 1pm. She was out at 1:19pm – Margot
  • I was booked to be induced at 38wks on a Friday but went to see the midwife on Tuesday before. She did something called a stretch and sweep. And i went into labour the next morning. I was really nervous about the induction.. coz there is no time frame in how long the actual labour would take to start. So im glad i went in on Tuesday – Tashee
  • I was induced with both my kids. Water birth with the first and shower birth for the second. First was 2hours 22mins and second 1hour and 46mins. Great quick Labor, started pretty much immediately after induction & great supportive team both times! Only used Gass for both & water injections in my back for the first (not enough time second time). Was wonderful going in for induction knowing I was going to finally have my baby in my arms!!! & worked out better for organising my daughters care while I was in having my son – Danni
  • I was induced at 38 weeks with both of my kids. They are 12 years apart. I delivered fast with both so was glad they decided to induce me. My biggest fear was going into labor and being by myself so there was my positive. I also had decided I wanted a epidermal and due to going so fast wasn’t able to have one. I think being induced was a huge weight off my chest not having to guess – Kelli
  • Mine wasn’t so scary. Had the gel about 3.30pm labour started by 5pm with only half an hour easy going then bam it was a bit full on for just over 3 hours til my beautiful baby girl arrived and it was all worth it. It is a bit more full on but over pretty quick. Well for me anyway – Sam
  • I refused any drugs and just consented to AROM (8.30). then went for a walk to establish labour. Contractions started straight away and by 1.30 were significant enough to really need my attention. I returned to the ward, got in the shower, laboured there for a while and then birthed my 7lb baby girl at 3.33pm. It was intense and fast but a wonderful experience – Jade
  • Had both my pregnancies induced (1st @ 42weeks, second @ 37 weeks -twins) so can’t compare it to anything, labor or hurts either way, at least you’re booked in and at the hospital  1st pregnancy was gels and I went into labor 4 hours later, baby by 16hours, 2nd I was already dialated to 4 (had been for 2 1/2) weeks and they broke my waters and put me on a drip, babies really fast after that – Jem
  • 1st baby- I was induced with gels at 37weeks (6am) the got put on the drip in the afternoon baby was born 12:05am never had any complications at all. And the doctor broke my water. 7lb 9oz. 2nd baby- waters broken naturally at 39 weeks labour didn’t start. Was induced with a drip at 9am and baby was born at 4:15pm. No problems at all once again. 7lb 6oz.  Only had gas for both labours – Dinah
  • I was induced at 35 weeks. I went in on a Thursday got the stuffs done on Saturday began having contractions sat night my son broke the waters he Was born the early hours of the morning. Wasnt what I was expecting, but I started to show early stages of Labour a week before I got induced. Everyone is different. Just try relax, if you can – Heather
  • I was induced with baby #4 and I found it s good experience. No pain relief and quiet quick. Was put on the drip at 9am, felt contractions pretty much straight away but not painful. I only felt the pain really bad and asked for an epidural when it was actually time to push. They checked me and said no it’s too late u need to push! My beautiful girl was delivered just b4 2pm that afternoon. Enough time for hubby to race home to get the other kids from school – Rachel
  • It can be more intense than spontaneous labour. Mine was 3.5 hours. It was a very positive experience because I used the Calmbirth Method. calmbirth.com.auPrue
  • My waters broke but I didn’t progress so went on the drip. Was great experience, no pain meds, delivered naturally.. Good positive experience and memories – Hayley
  • Quick labour! 3 n half hours. No pain relief-can be taken as a good or bad thing haha. And u can be organised – Jade
  • The best thing about being induced is you can plan. I was paranoid I’d go into labour when my parents were away and have no one to look after my two kids. I went over and got an induction and you go in with no pain or urgency and then you leave with your bubs. My first was spontaneous and it was long and hard my next two were short and sweet with no pain as I had time to have epidurals – Lauren
  • I was induced at 39 weeks because of baby being small…was afraid how she would handle labor. Went from not dilated at all to fully dilated in like 24 hrs. Only problem we had was baby ended up getting stuck behind my pelvic bone so had to end with csection. But she was healthy and 6.1 pounds and 18.5 inches! She is now a healthy 6 month old – Brandie
  • I was induced with my first because of high blood pressure and abnormal liver function I was so relieved that something was happening and to be honest at no point did I feel like I couldn’t handle it. I chose to have pain relief, but that was in my original plan. Was great to not have to freak out about whether I was in labor enough to go to hospital or not – Julia
  • They induced me 8 days early as bub wasn’t moving much, they started the drip and broke my waters at 12 noon exactly, was a very quick, easy laybor, only used a little gas and air when pushing went from 5cm to fully dialated and pushing in 10 mins that had my beautiful daughter at 2.25pm, I believe its so much safer and I felt more comftable knowing doctors and nurses are always in the room with you, if I could I would ask to be induced with my next bub, a very happy comfortable experience for me – Amber
  • I was induced with my son at 41 weeks I was already in labor they just gave me a little bit of pitocin and broke my waters. The contractions are more painful but I had him quickly and had no complications – Jaime
  • Third baby was induced 41+10. Went a treat. Drip for an hour- nothing, turned it up contractions started fast, they broke my waters(as they always have to with me). Bub came out. 6 hours, no drugs. Left the next day. Now #4 was a different story  Good luck – Katey
  • I was induced with my first bub as my waters had broken and I hadn’t gone into labour for two days. I was induced at 3pm, my contractions started immediately. By 6pm I was having continual contractions. I had my bub 12 hours after being induced. Was very intense. My second bub was natural and I went from 1cm dilated to giving birth in just over 2 hours. Also very intense – Hayley
  • With my 2nd my back waters broke on Tuesday night but no contractions so went home & back to hospital the next morning. They broke fore waters at 8am then at 8.45am me. 11am. So drip was started at 8.45am, labour was in full swinvg within 15 mins and my beautiful boy was born 1.5hrs later. The pain was much more intense than my first completely natural labour which was only 3 hrs – Shelley
  • My 1st induction was when I was overdue. If you get pitocin, the contractions come on quick. 2nd time around, was AWESOME! Hardly any pain, nurses were waiting on me hand and foot. Also, it helped that they would come in and reposition me to help bring the baby down. I had an epidural both times, 2nd time was by farther the best experience. 1st time around I also bled a lot, I’m a red head too (takes longer for anesthesia and m prone to bleed) – Jennifer
  • If I was u try go natural.. It happens all to quick.. Very quick labour but from my experience I would rather be in labour long and let it build up.. My last boy was 10 pound 9 and had him natural but was Induced.. But all people are different.. Some like being induced – Tammie
  • I had a beautiful baby girl  she was 8lb 8oz and I don’t think she would have arrived in the next week at least so she would have been much bigger. I had really bad back pain with contractions so for me the induction sped up my labour  – Amy
  • I was induced with my daughter last year due to me being stuck at 5cm and 80% effaced for almost 2 weeks before I delivered. I went in on dec 11th, my pitocin was started at 6:30 am, water was broken at 8 am, felt 2 really bad contractions at about 11:15 am, received my epidural at 11:30, and she was here at 11:45. Despite her arms being up by her neck and her almost suffocating herself and me losingn her, literally, my dr had to use forceps to pull her out and I did tear slightly, but due to the epidural I didn’t feel anything, just pressure. I cut her umbilical cord myself and welcomed her into the world. I am pregnant again and due any day now and actually have been dilated this time for the past 3 weeks (currently at 37 weeks) and go today for my appointment and it is possible I am induced again. I Am a person who likes to plan ahead and hopefully everything goes as smoothly as last time minus my child strangling itself – Jasmine
  • I was induced at full term due to GD (controlled by diet). I went in the night prior for gel, modified my birth plan to ‘get-the-baby-on-the-outside’ and went home. Around 3:30am contractions had started so back to hospital and waters artificially broken at 6:30am. From that the body kicked in and labour progressed without further intervention (except the gas ). Two and a half hours later we met our sweet little girl. Good luck – Natalie
  • I had a successful induction, no pain relief, but it was all done and dusted in about 6/7 hours. I was fortunate that my waters broke on their own after having the gel the night before. The following day I was hooked up with the drip at around 7am and then my baby girl was out by 1.42pm! No complications, except for the reason I was induced which didn’t turn out to be much of an issue anyway…everyone is different however, labour is hard enough and I don’t wish a bad one upon anyone – Ivana
  • Meeee!!! Was induced with drip as waters had broken days earlier and wasn’t progressing. Within 1 hr my drip had to be turned off went from 1-10 in the hour. An hr and a half to push bub. No extra help needed and noooo stitches –Sarah
  • Induced with both my girls. First was 3 1/2 hours active labor delivered natural. second was 2 1/2 hours start to finish walked in in the morning had bub and was home by 5pm that night. I had two healthy little girls. So 2 positive induction experiences for me – Gemma
  • I was induced a week earlier, had a quick ‘active’ labour, 4.5 hours with no pain relief, my positive was the fact that I could meet my son a week earlier, if not sooner – Nikki
  • I was induced 5 days early as I had GD and they thought bub was a bit small when usually (not always) bit bigger when have that, and I had no problem, I actually liked the fact I knew I wasn’t going to be in gruelling labour for day/s lol 9hrs for me and my amazing daughter arrived – Brooke
  • Being induced is awesome! My water broke at 6am ish- went to hospital, labour hadn’t really started yet but as I’m strep positive they put the drip in my arm and she was born at lunch time! Quick and even though she was almost 11 pounds- relatively easy – Gem
  • I’ve had 2 inductions. First one, not so great (mismanaged by midwives though) second one was 5 hours with 20 mins of pushing and so much calmer and easier than the first. Had drip for both and they broke my waters aswell for the second  like natural labours, you have good and bad – Emerald
  • Had waters broken at 6:30am had seretonin drip, rocked on Swiss ball, started feeling contractions 7:30am had her at 10:30am! Quick easy natural birth! That was my 2nd. First I had drip as my waters had already broken, started feeling contractions at 11:30am & he was born at 3:22pm. About to have my third 10 years later & will be induced next week or week after due to having SPD. The other 2 were overdue. I’ve never had a problem with being induced & had big babies! Everything fine – Nikki
  • I was induced at 38+6 due to waters breaking and no labour. I had the drip in at 9am stayed pre labour all day then finally went into active labour for 21 minutes at about 5pm Pushed for 20 mins and he was out and perfectly healthy. I had some gas and morphine during the day but nothing for the actual labour. No tearing and i felt great pretty much straight Away. it’s definitely not a natural way to have a baby though – Kimberley
  • I’ve been induced 4 times. First two were horrible. Last two I had a doula and they were fantastic. Both drug free – Manda
  • It’s good. Your at the hospital as soon as you start feeling pain and you can get relief as soon as you want. No waiting out the pain wondering when to leave home etc. Way less stress because you know what’s happening – Beck
  • Well 1st baby natural …long and hard! 2nd baby stopped growing inside me and had to be induced gel did nothing but came 11pm they decided to pop my water it was all go hard and fast just over an hour from start to finish holding baby …I thought if I could be promised that kind of labour again he’ll yea!!! Lol but not so sure so will wait a lil longer – Cassie
  • I was induced with both my girls. The first time I was on the drip for the whole 6.5 hours so couldn’t walk around much, but everything went smoothly. The second time I had my waters broken but no drip, so I wandered the halls. Again there were no complications though, it just took an hour longer. I was monitored but didn’t need any other intervention and have 2 beautiful healthy girls – Christine
  • Induced with all 4 of my beautiful gems 1st = oxytocin drip 7hr labor gorgeous daughter, 2nd = waters broken 3hr labor beautiful girl, 3rd= gel 1.5hr labor my biggest easiest girl 9lb2, 4th= 1.5hr healthy handsome boy x loved being induced as I felt planned and in control – Renee
  • I’ve had two inductions and my 3rd natural my labour came on so hard and fast with my third that pain levels were the same I didn’t find it any different in that way. Drip and monitors with the first two but they have cordless and waterproof monitors now so u can still move around have a shower ect  I had no problems with mine good luck – Zoe
  • I was induced with my 2/3 I was given gel at 7:30am and waters broken by doctor around 6pm both times, labour was 30 mins for both just remember to ask for gas and pethidine if in too much pain and wait for the urge to push ( the most important part) because if Bub ain’t ready you will push for ages for no gain, you will have a beautiful bundle of joy very quickly. Ps did the natural birth with the first and would not wish that on anyone. Though some mothers breeze it in – Paula
  • I got the gel at 41.5wks, went into labour the following evening, 5 hrs later had baby. No drip, just gas. They also had to break my waters as he was coming down, none of it hurt, was fine. I also didn’t have the belt on either – Kate
  • 7hr labour, contractions back to back no break but had an epidural and slept through the last 2hrs was told to wake up as he was coming and 3pushes later he was out and he was born a week before his Christmas day due date – Emily
  • Induced because I had colestises gel at 7pm. Waters were broken the next morning contractions started at 1.10pm baby out 2.20. No stitches. 1st was all natural still only 5 hrs of labour. I think everyone is different if I ever had another I think I would have to move next door to the hospital – Belinda
  • Got induced with my first, on his due date due to high blood pressure… I don’t have anything to compare it too but hoping go natural into labour with my second I few weeks.  Labour was only short.. 2hours 10mins but very full on and think most likely bit too quick cause lead to some nasty tearing.. As body wasn’t warmed up to it naturally. Didn’t require any drugs really, bit of gas for half hour n that was it.. everything has different outcomes on each individual and everybody handles same situations very differently – Jaime
  • Induced at 37 weeks. First lot of gel on tuesday second lot on friday and a stretch and sweep. On saturday was 1cm dilated waters broken and drip started are 11am. Labour was very intense, but pushed for less then 15 mins and he was here at  5.44pm. Pretty quick considering I was only 3cms at 3pm and midwife thought it would take alot longer – Caitlyn
  • I LOVED being induced with my first! I am a control freak so loved packing my bags with the thought ‘I’m off to have my baby now!’ Gels worked for me as I was already 10 days over, contractions started almost immediately and then a drug free labour with 10 mins pushing – Alexandra
  • I had an elective induction due to having a few issues and it was great! Had my epidural put in first. It was all very relaxed and we knew what was going on. I was able to tell my older daughter that her sister would be here soon and she wasn’t scared or worried either. And from waters breaking to having her was 2 and a half hours. I would defiantly do it again with number 3 – Keara
  • Yes! My induction was very positive. It happened at 37+4 due to a very complicated pregnancy…it only took 6 hours and although the pain was awful (aren’t they all?!) I coped and only needed gas and air. A huge help in preparing and getting through labour was having read the book Birth Skills by Juju Sundin – Louise
  • I just had the gel so it wasn’t too bad. Gel about 4pm, waters broke around 8pm and proper contractions started. I got to five cm in the maternity ward and walked to birth suite. It got pretty full on after a little while, but my lg was out by midnight! I only had gas for pain relief – Joanne
  • I had a great experience with being induced after 3 days of on and off contraction that seems eternity, labor is quick! my bub came out in 3 1/2 hours drug free! I still got to do my labor in the bath, but I have to raise one of my arms out of the water lol!  but remember everyone is different  – Jean
  • Induced at 39+6. Had gel at 11am. Nothing happened and they planned to break my waters the following morning. By 9pm I had contractions… Not as terrible as people had told me they would be with being induced. 1230am waters broke and could definitely feel strong pain at that sage. My baby girl arrived at 318am. Labour happened quickly, only pushed for a short time before she arrived. Was very quick once it started for a first time mum – Rosemary
  • I had two induced labours that were both 2.5hrs long. Both were Chemically induced. Iv. No tape or gel – Mary
  • I was induced with my 2nd weird but loved it! Remember everyone’s different own experiences but mine was amazing – Mel
  • Once induced, (had the gel) labour happened very quickly – 2hrs soft labour pains – 1.5hrs real labour – 20 mins pushing &  was OUT!! No stitches, was an excellent labour compared to my horrible first labour – Simone
  • 1st I was 2cm already I had gels at 8am and the drip started at 10am, I was 3cm at 1pm and bubs was out at 4:48pm that day. 2nd the drip started at 10am, 12pm I was having 4-5 contractions within 10minutes and bubs was out at 2:10pm that day – Kirraleigh
  • I had a great experience, I was induced (planned) because he was so big and I was struggling to walk sleep sit drive etc, he was lazy and after 11 hours I had a c section, not emergency just not planned… The staff were amazing and my partner and I had the best day, and we finally got to meet our baby… Best part was we had no plan, what ever had to happen we were ok with – Amy
  • I had to be induced at 38 weeks as I had to come off the medication I was on to labour (if not, if I had a Caesar I would have been given a general not a local). My doctor elected to use the gel and broke my waters but things were slow to get going so she used the syntocin, definitely recommend getting an epidural if that happens! Bub was monitored the whole time once I went on the drip. All up almost 10hrs. It was a lot of intervention but at the end of the day my health is as important as the bub’s. All worth it – Loren
  • i had a schedueled induction at 8:45 AM. contractions started around 10 .  Got the epidural at 1PM.  had to wait painlessly till 5PM for real labour to start.  had my lovely baby at 5:50PM.  it was just a peaceful,calm and a happy induced delivery – Aida
  • I was induced 3 times out of 4 pregnancies and was very happy with being induced. First was at 36.3 due to pre-eclampsia, I was warned it would be a very horrific 2-3 day process being so early, but had 1 dose of gel, my waters broke by themselves and 7 hours of labour my bubba arrived. 3rd pregnancy induced at 38.1 for pre-eclampsia, 1 was already 1-2cm dilated so had a stretch and sweep and waters broken, contractions started straightaway and bubba arrived 6 hours after waters were broken. 4th pregnancy induced at 38.0 again for pre-eclampsia, dose of gel given at 9am, contractions on and off all day, waters broken at 7pm when I was 2cm dilated, contractions started straightaway and bubba was here within the hour. Those contractions were extremely intense and definitely the worst of my labours. one of the benefits of being induced was being able to have childcare all arranged for the other children and also not driving the 1 hour to the hospital in labour. Good luck with it – Belinda
  • Got induced at 38+6 with 2nd baby, ARM and drip, had early epidural so didn’t feel much until it was time to push  In at 7am DD born at lunchtime – Denise
  • Yep! Induced with both my bubs, no dramas, good labours and births. All natural – Erin
  • I couldn’t even feel the contractions until my waters finally broke a few hours later. But no complaints, pain level was no worse than natural birth and it was nice and quick – Kelly
  • It was an hours labour for me so quick but very painful – Megan
  • Was induced at 41+4 and I enjoyed it a lot more than my first which was spontaneous, I went in at 1pm was monitored for about an hour broke my waters, had my epidural put in and before they could even put the drip in my arm to give me the hormones I had strong regular contractions then about 20mins later baby was out – Holly
  • I was induced woth both kids. The forst was horrible but the second was so much easier. I was told if they turn up the stuff (sorry can’t think of the word) to much to soon it makes it very fast and more intense.  The second they dod it slower. Both times bub was borm within 2.5hrs – Rachel
  • Baby 1- not induced 18hrs! Baby 2- induced 3 hrs!  Baby 3 – induced 2 1/2 hrs!  Only used gas for pain relief in induced bubs. Only issue I had with either was I had an anterior lip in cervix so had to stop pushing for a little while! And had posterior bubs. But to be honest no worse than other labour! If anything because it was faster didn’t get tired and fatigued! Being induced was not a horrible experience at all for me – Ammie
  • It was the better of my 2 labours! My tip is to keep active, I had hubby walking laps of the hospital grounds – Bek
  • I was induced and it was much better than I thought it would be! Still bloody painful but quicker than the usual labour – Annie
  • I was induced at 7am, and my daughter was born at 4:50pm via emergency Caesarian. My experience was quite positive. Dic and nurses didn’t push me to do anything I didn’t want to do – Tania
  • It’s not the end of the world if you have to be induced. I’ve had induced and natural labour, an induced is definitely more intense as you’re not getting the breaks in between, so look into what pain relief you might want. It’s a bit boring, but overall no major issues and went on to have bub vaginally – Stacey
  • Both of mine were induced early for cholestasis. My sons was very intense but nothing a few drugs couldn’t help. Went in Monday night, needed 3 sets of gels as I hadn’t progressed enough for ARM and then did the rest naturally. About 6 hours from first contraction to the last. My second was an ARM with syntocin as I was already 3cm. It was quick and drug free, I was waiting for it to ramp up like my sons when suddenly felt the urge to push and was over with in a couple minutes. Only 4 hours from ARM and 2 hours from syntocin. It hurt but I was able to get a break in between contractions unlike my sons where they were one on to of each other from the start – Carmel
  • I was induced due to ruptured membranes and had a really positive experience contractions started pretty much straight away strong and fast and 4 hours from the photo in being started my beautiful daughter was here – I had a few complications afterwards but wasn’t due to the induction – Chantelle
  • Induced with my fourth baby at 17 days over. Gel did nothing so after about 2 hours they broke my water (a much less terrible experience than expected) 3 hrs later it was all done, no worse than my 3 prior spontaneous labors. With all 3 I had gas, with the 4th I didn’t want it. I know each person has a different experience but for me it was no different. Except that I’d spent the night before crying my eyes out because I was so certain it was going to be horrible – Liz
  • I had a great experience. Was on the drip but this allowed my ob and midwife to monitor how i was progressing etc. Beautiful ds born will mum only requiring gas for pain relief. So it doesn’t have to be bad. Just monitored closely. And good communication – Mel
  • All 3 have been. First was an hour second was an Hour third was 6. No probs at all – Prue
  • If your body is ready to give birth, then things should go smoothly with inducing. If not its a lot more eventful. I was induced for my 3rd baby, but i was already 4cm. It helped kickstart labour and he was born 3hours later. For my 4th baby, i was induced 2weeks earier and it took a lot more time and intervention for him to arrive. I know now that my body wasn’t ready. But all worked out fine in the end  Goodluck – Danna
  • I was induced with my both my babies so don’t know any different, of course it’s bloody painful but every labour is and everything was fine. Was kind of nice being able to plan and organise to the definite day – Laura
  • I was induced at 36 & 2 weeks from cholestatis. Midwife broke my waters at 8am & the drip started. 2pm i asked for epidural & hd gas before hand. 5pm obstetrician came in and stretched me and said he would be back at 8pm and i would be 10cm. He came back and my daughter was born at 10:36pm. I had contractions but they wernt strong so it took 14hrs, but i really don’t have anything compared to but glad i had a great obstetrician. Probably have cholestatis with my next pregancy so i will be induced again – Claire
  • It was very quick which was great going to be painful either way but I had a 1.5 hr labour with my fits and half an hour with second. Good luck  you will be fine – Jasmine
  • I would definitely get induced again. Had baby 2 hours and 12 minutes after drip was started and extremely minor tearing, absolutely no pain meds, walked out of hospital that day with my happy healthy baby feeling great. Sure beat my other delivery that lasted 38 hours from first contraction, paradox, panadene forte, gas and two shots of pethidine later I had grade three episiotomy and forceps delivery. Recovery was long and hard, I was exhausted and so was baby and had to spend a day and night in intensive care. I definitely found the induction more positive – Jen
  • I was induced at 38+2 as I had pre eclampsia. They did a stretch and sweep at exactly 38 weeks and I had super moderate co traction on and off for 2 days. Nothing uncomfortable at all. Then went in on the Monday morning. They broke my waters at 10am and our gorgeous little girl was born at 2:15pm. Only one scary moment where I started seeing stars as I was pushing and bubs heart rate dropped but rolled me onto my side and delivered that way  only negative was how quickly it all happened. I had no breaks between contractions but i’m glad I could deliver my baby with out any help – Sarah
  • I was inducted with my one and only child. I will be getting induced with any future of my children due to the fact my labour was so quick. I had an epidural, had a two hour nap, woke up fully dialated, pushed a couple of times and my beautiful daughter was there. I could move and felt the need to push with the epidural. I hope my next experience is as good – Kim
  • I got the tape put in at 7.30pm. Started getting pains at around 10pm. Contractions started around midnight, water broke at 1.15am and had bub at 2.38am. Was quick and painful, but aren’t all births painful lol. Good luck –Amanda
  • Positive experiences…you get to stay in the hospital… You know that you are going to meet your baby the next day. Don’t worry about the rest, you will be fine. Epidurals are good – Kelly
  • Mine was 100% positive. I was terrified of being induced. I tried to convince them to give me a c section with no luck but if I could have an induction again I would. My labour was calm and they were able to turn the drip off or down when I was having an epidural. The whole thing was fantastic. My midwife said it was the best birth she has ever been a part of. Good luck – Kristie
  • I was induced with both of mine and while the contractions were very intense and close together they were both ver u quick labours (under 2hrs) which I think is a positive – Amber
  • I have only had 1. I was 9days over. (my sister inlaw/ex midwife) wasn’t available on day 10 lol. I went in. I was already at 6cm had been for a week had been at 3cm for a few weeks before that when I started labor then stopped. Anyway. On the bed they popped my waters within minutes of being in the room then told to walk around. So I changed to a nighty got on the phone and made some phone calls (my partner was in prison at the time so making visit bookings) then pains started all in about 10 minutes so they sent a message to my partner to call me. Walked around for another 5. Then wanted to push so got on the bed and they stuck drips in because I had a history of bleeding. All very fast only about 5hrs most pushing stage. I got told I had the longest stage of pushing they had seen at the hospital. I was exhausted I swear ripped tummy muscles were the problem I was contracting in some parts but not all over as I did a few wks before. But I got there. 9pound 4ounces massive head!! Then had trouble getting the placenta out it was over 20minutes before they pulled it out. But yes loved the induction. Nervous going in kinda nice not having a warning but also good to know what’s happening when and to have time to have a decent sleep eat and start 1st thing in the morning. I left hospital the next afternoon – Alicia
  • Induced 41 weeks with bub engaged posterior.  Waters were broken at 8.30am, syntocinon drip put in at 9am and slowly Bumped up in small increments. Active labour by 11am. Beautiful 9lb 11oz (4390gram) Baby boy born at 4pm. I used a TENS machine which I cannot speak highly enough about and had a wonderful and calm labour (no drugs epidural required.) I was open to pain relief and epidural but didn’t need it). Keep calm and focus on the end game. Each moment and breath at a time. Labour is labour but it doesn’t have to be a negative thing that you endure. I found it to be profound and liberating. There’s nothing quite like meeting your baby for the first time. At the end of tr day, there’s nothing to be gained by going into the birthing suite with negativity and fear. What will be, will be and as long as you and bub are healthy at the end of it, everything else is insignificant – Nicole
  • I was induced at 39 weeks. Went in on Sunday night they put the tape in it didn’t do anything they put the gel in it didnt do anything. Tuesday morning the broke my waters at 8.30 had him by 10.30. Was bored waiting Sunday and Monday but I was ok with it – Carina
  • 1: with my first one I was put on a drip to bring on contractions and was an easy labour and birth. Second time sane scenario contractions were much more intense but quicker labour. Try and relax and holding bubs at the end is the best reward – Melanie
  • You can walk around with portable monitoring on you can shower, go on gym balls etc with the portable ones and just have the drip in with you – Stephanie
  • All of my babies were induced. The 2nd and 3rd were amazing deliveries that only required the gel to get them started with no pain medication – Amanda
  • Was quick & over with in 3hrs. Positive, at least it wasn’t a 10hr labour lol – Melissa
  • We were induced at 37 + 5 dues to bubs been small and low fluid had stretch and sweep on the thurs with not much response then fri morning had my waters broken and an hour later had the drip started active labour was less than 4hrs and i had my little girl. No tears or problems. I had morphine at 7cm and it was all ok. Worst part was not having time to deal with the increasing intensity of contractions quickly as they constantly up the drip but it was ok and you know roughly that you will have your baby soon – Stephanie
  • Was induced an had no trouble at all the contractions I think are a lot more intense but it was fine – Chantelle
  • I was induced at 40+10, had the gel @ 4pm contractions started around 6pm. Doc was going to pop the amniotic sack in the morning but ended up going itself then I had to have the drip to make my contractions stronger and ended up having. My baby naturally around 5pm the day after being induced  was a very calm birth and was awesome – Amy
  • I was induced at 37 + 3 weeks due to my waters breaking and finding traces of meconium. The drip was put in at 4pm and my DD arrived at 7.48pm with no drugs and only a couple of stitches required. I believe that’s a positive story – Holly
  • I went into labour naturally for my first and it was my worst labour I had all the drugs was induced with 2 & 3 just the gel they were quick and my easiest no time for drugs and besides being slightly uncomfortable when getting the gel it was all positive – Megan
  • I had a fantastic experience being induced! Went in on a Wednesday night for gel. Waters were broken at 7am the Thursday morning and had my son just after midday. Everyone is different though but good luck – Tahnee
  • I have only had one child via induction at 39 weeks. I dont think it is as bad as alot of people are saying it is.  Everyone is different dont think you are ever going to get the answer you want – Sarah
  • Best decision I made. Mine was a spontaneous decision which means I didn’t have time to overthink things or worry at all. If I’d waited until the day I was meant to be induced (2 days later) I don’t think my son would be here today. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still labour but I was very comfortable with being induced – Katie
  • I was induced for both kids and for me the labours were quick; 6 hours then 2 hours, I liked knowing what day my kids would be born, and of course the kids at the end – Jessica
  • My induction with number 1, was 11 days after my due date & I really like the mental prep the night before & I enjoyed watching a good movie etc. My labour lasted 6 hours & ended with a c-section, but I felt the induction helped me feel calm & somewhat in control – Jasmine
  • I was induced at 41+1. Inserted the tape at 6.30 pm I was 1 cm dilated. Waters broke at 1.10 am. Laboured for 10 hours to only be 2 cm dilated and had emergency c-section because the baby was becoming distressed – Madelaine
  • I got induced at 40weeks only using the gel. I went in at 9am and I was fine felt no pain was happy napping most the time and my water broke itself the 2:30am the next morning and my bub was born 45mins later it didn’t hurt anymore then my other 2 babies had no pain relief – Rhiannon
  • I was induced at 42 weeks. She was out in 8 hours. Was also good it was a weekday. Less visitors coming to visit – Lareen
  • I was induced at 38.5 and it was great! Gel strip inserted at 2 and contractions started straight away. Waters broke at 11 baby boy born at 4:14. Loved knowing when it was going to happen and I felt really in control – Laura
  • I was induced with #5 and it was the same as my other labours. Short  i was so wprried about it as i had never been induced before but was nothing to stress about – Melissa
  • I was induced at 38weeks due to gestational diabetes. Had full contractions lasting 1min 30 seconds apart within 1 hour of first gel application. Labour was really fast but then slowed due to epidural. Pain was ver intense but I have nothing to compare it to as it was my first. Labour ended in a c-section due to baby being face up – Rachel
  • Induced at 40 + 12, and it meant my husband got to be there the entire time – Toni
  • The positive experience is how you make it. If you have a good bunch of nurses it’s better. I had great midwives that joked with us all day. We laughed and had fun. Even during contractions I was smiling through my pains. 20 min labour. 5 contractions on top of each other. 3 pushes and she was here. Think positive and be open minded. Make it the experience you would want or as close too – Serenity
  • Induced with both first was a horrible experience but ended in a baby second was a breeze just had to jab my waters broken and my body did the rest no drugs required – Mel
  • Both inductions. Meconium in my waters. The only positive thing about them both was I had a healthy baby at the end of it. Both times.  1st induction 24h labour. Baby girl Lexi 7lb5. 10 days early.  2nd 10.5h labour then an emergency c section. Baby boy Charlie 8lb2. 8 days late and waters broke 2h after sweep – Charlotte
  • I was induced at 36 weeks due to bubs not growing enough. Drip started at 8am. Contractions started around 2pm and my baby girl was born at 4:17 pm. 5lb 1oz beautiful and healthy – Kerry
  • Being induced was no drama for me  it brought labour on, which was not happening 14 hours after my water broke. I had no problems at all! – Linda
  • Induced within 45mins we had princess – Joanne
  • I was induced with my first and compared to my second, spontaneous labour it was great, even with a couple of complications. Everyone is different – Sharon
  • I was induced at 35 weeks with complications. I was glad of it to be honest. I wasn’t constantly wondering if I was in Labour etc – Erin
  • I’ve had 1 induction and 3 spontaneous… besides being more intense i couldn’t say it was the worst thing in the world – Alison
  • i was induced with my 5th baby, all was good although i did have ahard time in labour, mainly due to him being bigger that my other babies, he also had a bigger head, but all went well, good luck – Marilyn
  • I was induced with all 4 of mine, I loved it, nothing to worry about  – Fiona
  • I was induced at 39 weeks. My first baby. was fairly quick started at 2pm had her at 9.10pm. Don’t remember much of it tho – Jo
  • I had my waters broken and went on to have a drug free birth that only went 3 hours – Chelsea
  • Mine wasn’t great but a friend was induced with her second baby, had the epidural almost straight away, 6 hours later baby was born without any complications, she never felt a thing – Charmaine
  • Waters broke naturally but no active labour, induced to start/increase contractions next day – just under 8hr labour and my lil man was born. All positive on my end but each case differs – Mandy

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