Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!
Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.
Inducing so FIFO husband can attend birth
inducing labour so FIFO husband can attend birth – parents share how they managed when baby was due when FIFO husband rostered to work
Induction with gel
Induction with gel. Mums share their experience with being induced with gel alone. How soon labour progressed and if they could go home
Elective induction of labour
Just wondering if anyone has had an elective induction of labour ? Read midwife tips on induction of labour Positive experiences of induction here I have…my second was an …
Induction of Labour – positive birth stories
Q&A: Can anyone share their positive experiences with being induced?
Acupuncture in Labour: Advice
Q&A: Would love to hear all of your experiences with acupuncture to induce labour and if it worked for you? Also any other tips would be great! Trying to avoid a medical induction
Q&A: I’m booked in to be induced next week. What can I expect?
Medically inducing labour – midwife tips
There are many questions related to induction of labour but for this issue I will concentrate on medical ways of inducing.