
Tag: Bringing on labour

Fastest Ways To Induce Labour

Uncovered: The fastest way to induce labour

You’ve been pregnant for what feels like a lifetime and you’re totally over it. You’re exhausted, bloated and beyond ready to meet that baby of yours. But, that baby seems …

Positive induction experiences

Induction of Labour – positive birth stories

Q&A: Can anyone share their positive experiences with being induced?

Acupuncture in Labour: Advice

Q&A: Would love to hear all of your experiences with acupuncture to induce labour and if it worked for you? Also any other tips would be great! Trying to avoid a medical induction

What should I expect from induction of labour


Q&A: I’m booked in to be induced next week. What can I expect?

how to bring on labour

Tips to bring on labour

Q&A: I’m two days past my due date and completely over it – it feels like this baby is never going to come! Did anyone manage to bring on their labour at home? Any suggestions?

membrane sweeps

Membrane sweeps at 40 weeks pregnant

Q&A: I’ll be 40 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my midwife will be doing a membrane sweep when I see her Tuesday. Does anyone have stories to share for, ie if the sweep helped to bring on labour? I know it does depend on the person, just need something to keep me going!!

Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home

Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home

One of the most common questions asked on the Baby Hints and Tips Facebook page concerns how to bring on labour, and advice given usually ranges from sex and nipple stimulation to bouncing on a fit ball, castor oil and hot curries. The question is however, is there any evidence that any of these things actually work?