Hi there; I am planning my son’s first birthday party and am looking for some EASY party games to suit a variety of ages. I was thinking of doing pass the parcel, a treasure hunt with wrapped lollies and pin the tail on the donkey. Any other suggestions?
- That sounds like heaps of organised games cos the younger kids get bored and distracted after a few games. Just let them play & enjoy themselves too. Kerri
- We always just put toys out for a 1st birthday….but a good idea instead of pass the parcel you could play pass the ball and then have prizes for whoever it lands on, saves wrapping the parcel when they too young to appreciate Melinda
- For my DS’s 1st bday I didn’t have games I just had a bunch of toys on a picnic blanket they could play with, he got a swing set and sandpit and small jumping castle as presents so he and the kids just played with them! He didn’t know how to play games and wasn’t interested and the other toys kept the few kids that came happy. Unless you have heaps of kids coming and they know what to do don’t bother! Eryn
- A bubble blower is always popular with the little ones Chloe
- Piñata I did parcel for younger and dif for older at same time Tracey-Lee
- We didn’t have games at my sobs 1st birthday, we just had a trampoline with the net, sandpit, play zone (slide, climbing, etc) which were all gifts to him, plus a bubble machine, a bunch of his ride on toys etc, and I set up a table specially for the kids with giant chalk sticks to draw on the pavement, pencils and crayons with colouring in pages etc, which kept the 3-6 year old entertained (as did the lolly bags lol). Bianca
- I found them all too young for that at one even at two. It’s best just to put toys out and let them play with each other. Get a bubble machine if u haven’t got one. $10 at Kmart or reject shop. Also for lolly bags. We used mini board books, finger puppets, mini sultana packs, soft lolly bananas, lollypops, can’t remember what else Lisa