Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding – it is ok?
New research has found that alcohol while breastfeeding won’t harm your baby, but what does that mean for you as a breastfeeding mum?
Breastfeeding twins it can be done
Breastfeeding twins – tips from a mum who has been there and conquered that. Best tips for breastfeeding twins including mastitis, tongue tie and managing supply
Relactation – restarting breastfeeding
Q&A: Mums share their breastfeeding experience with relactation with the aim to restart feeding their baby breast milk
What guarantees breastfeeding success?
About 95% of mothers want to breastfeed their babies however, by the time their baby is 3 months of age many are mix feeding or have stopped breastfeeding ….so how can women be more informed, more prepared to give themselves the best chance at success?
Grandparents and Breastfeeding support
Are grandparents between a rock and a hard place when a baby arrives? Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC explains how they can be involved, without being in the way.
Partners – Can they help with breastfeeding?
Partners are keen to help but may be unsure of how to, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. If either or both the baby’s grandparents are helping with household chores and cooking, partners may feel further displaced about their role while at home. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC provides some tips about how partners can be more involved with your newborn.
Multiple, Pre-term, Adoptive and Surrogate Babies and Relactating
It might surprise you to know that more women can breastfeed than those who are unable to (for whatever reason). We have the ability to produce enough breast milk for one or more babies at one time, adequately provide for a pre-term baby, potentially relactate after weaning and potentially induce lactation as an adoptive or surrogate mother.
Breastfeeding issues and the unexpected
Breastfeeding is the physiologically normal way to feed and nurture our babies. Without the opportunity to watch and learn at the fireside from our mothers and other women as our ancestors did, it’s understandable that unexpected outcomes and issues with breastfeeding and settling can bewilder many breastfeeding mothers.
Baby’s Arrival – How breastfeeding myths can affect you and your baby
The arrival of your new baby is an exciting and joyous event but it often comes with many people offering advice about breastfeeding. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC explores two common myths about breastfeeding that are often offered as ‘advice’.
Ria’s Breastfeeding Story
Ria shares her amazing breastfeeding story – infection, mastitis, abscess, and her son is only five months old!
Helpful Tips for Breastfeeding
Parent Tips: Helpful Hints for Breastfeeding
Best tips for Feeding your baby
Parent Tips: Describe the best tip you have for feeding your baby.