
Baby Hints & Tips

Shifting Baby Weight

Shifting baby weightWhat worked for you to shift the baby weight?

**Always check with your doctor before trying any form of diet if you’re breastfeeding.**

  •  Ummmmm, looks at baby fat tummy nearly 5 years on …Nothing, it’s still there lol.   Catriona
  •  Wish breastfeeding worked for me but alas it does not!    Gemma
  •  I can’t exercise due to pelvic injury. But I lost most of my baby weight by clean eating. Cooking everything from scratch and removing all packaged products.    Tracey
  •  Spanks! Shifted it where I couldn’t see it.    Bev
  •  I’m still trying to get rid of it and he’s 2! I weigh more now than I was 9months pregnant.    Amy
  •  Yeah that happened to me the more u try the harder it is too loose.   Rose
  •  It is! I am using a lose it app now, watching how many calories I eat is a eye opener when I have to input it myself. Weather here sucks almost all the time and it’s hard to go walking outside with a toddler without him getting sick. I am thinking about trying AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge.    Amy
  •  Weight training, running and squats, so far so good.   Elizabeth
  •  Fell pregnant before I could start to lose it. Oops.    Megan
  •  Walking n walking N walking!!! + walking n not eating crap!    Kerrie
  •  Walking walking walking and eating a bit better…. Best thing to do is do it slowly nothing worse than putting pressure on yourself we already have enough pressure being a Mum.   Nikkoletta
  •  I did lose baby weight. Program is great. Smoothies are yummy. My pre pregnancy weight with child number 1 was 63 kgs. I’ve now had baby number 5 and I weigh 59 kgs. I walk and do their DVD. After I had bub number 5 I was 73 kgs.   Juanita
  •  Joined the gym and healthy eating… lost 14kgs in 4months!  Letisha
  •  Weight watchers. Best thing ever, no separate foods for the kids either!    Biance
  •  Baby weight can be shifted? Didnt know that.     Erin
  •  Clean eating and exercise, I transformed my body after my first and went into my second pregnancy fit and started fit during and because of that I dropped the weight quickly, hit the gym again and have been regaining my body back quicker. Having been through a pregnancy not fit and one fit, it deff paid off the second time.    Alana
  •  Weight Watchers and exercise.    Sharelle
  •  Getting off my fat ass and eating healthy portioned food!!    Haylee
  •  Has anyone done the “lose baby weight” program I’m starting next week, it looks really good.    Olivia
  •  First child nothing would shift the weight. Second baby, he is 4 months, have lost 11 kg in 12 weeks by doing Michelle Bridge 12 wbt.. Didn’t do her exercises, too hard with 5 yr old and baby.. Walked and did c25k on treadmill. Recipes are easy.. Never lost weight so quickly, now just gotta work on first baby weight.    Olivia
  •  Michelle Bridges 12wbt. I lost 9.5kgs on that just eating her plan and learning to think about food differently. I am about to do another 12wbt to shift the last of my weight.   Kaity
  •  Gall stones! However not something I recommend or wish upon anyone!    Regan
  •  Exercise and eating sensibly.    Louise
  •  HERBALIFE! Not only did I lose all my baby weight, the energy I have now even with no sleep is amazing!! Never felt better.    Emma
  •  That’s what I liked about Michelle bridges – there was a breast feeding and pregnancy option. I personally didn’t do those ones, but the option is there.   Christine
  •  Breastfeeding, healthy eating, exercise….if anyone can tell me how to get rid of the flabby skin now that WOULD be good!    Rhiannon
  •  Walking. Looking after a toddler and baby the weight was gone in 5 months the second time around.   Nicky
  •  Gym, physio, chiro and an amazing husband who has been 100% supportive and encouraging. He has changed his eating habits to help me, a lot less snacking from the both of us. I gained 20 kgs and now down 10 kgs. Had a emergency c section with a very very long recovery, unable to do any exercise for 3 mth. Bub is almost 6 months now, I think it’s a fair effort. I’ve lost 13 cm in 2 months. I wear a Fitbit best Christmas gift from my husband! all for me and for my baby boy 10 more kg to go.   Lauren
  •  No need to diet, just eat healthy and exercise, quick fixes and gimmicks are never a long term gain anyway.    Alana
  •  This time I wasn’t able to breast feed, but I did join Michelle bridges for her 12 week challenge. Best thing we done and my 2 year old loved the food as well.   Christine
  •  Still trying after 33 years…Good luck.    Miriam
  •  Isagenix – life changing!    Sara
  •  Exercising and a balanced diet.   Carole
  •  Bodytrim all the way ladies. From 120kg post baby to 89kg at my wedding in just less than a year.    Cassandra
  •  Breastfeeding, eating healthy home cooked meals & walking everyday with the pram!    Mary-Anne
  •  Breastfeeding, for sure!    Yvonne
  •  Plexus slim is helping currently.    Jenna
  •  12 week body transformation two rounds and 20kg so worth it!!   Polly
  •  Chasing after a 2 yo, running our own business and never stopping lol (eating healthy too.    Raquel
  •  Well it hasn’t melted off, let’s put it that way.   Jodie
  •  I lost 35kgs in about a year with eating totally clean/natural.   Jessica
  •  Breastfeeding!    Amy
  •  Walking 45 mins every day or when I can, weight watchers and I play indoor netball once a week, now bootcamp as well. Have lost 13 kilos.   Kristy
  •  I agree, Michelle Bridges 12 WBT… One round and I’ve lost 10kg and am at my pre pregnancy weight. It’s soooo good!    Carly
  •  Breastfeeding and I used a calorie counting app but added a extra 500 calorie allowance and eating alot healthier. I lost 12 kgs in 4 months. I didn’t start until my baby was about 5 months old and was sick of not losing the baby weight as I was eating way too much without thinking about it.    Bethany
  •  I’ll let you know when it happens… little miss is 14mths old today & I am sorry to say my baby fat is still here…Sharyn
  •  Mega breast feeding twins, exercise and heaps of water. I gained 30kg whilst pregnant and in 6 months lost 35kg. Crazy! Now gained some weight because Im no longer breast feeding and finding it a bit harder to lose and maintain.    Katrina
  •  Breast feeding!!!    Mary
  •  Clean eating and exercise.    Alison
  •  Isagenix! !! I can not stress how awesome this product is expecially not having time to hit the gym! I lost 7 kilos in 30 days not a weight loss program a lifestyle! Loving feeling awesome!   Kristy
  •  Not doing anything different other than breastfeeding feeding and already 4kgs lighter than before I was pregnant and my son is 7 months.   Ellen
  •  I recommend body trim its a lifestyle change not a quick fix diet healthy eating and works while bf’ing healthy eating dosnt hurt.   Natalie
  •  Exercise, it doesn’t always need to be intense, just a regular walk is a good place to start, cutting out unhealthy snack foods and eating normal balanced meals. No dieting, just sensible home cooked meals with vegetables.    Mairead
  •  Make squats your friend.    Michelle
  •  Breast feeding, walking HEAPS and eating healthy hopefully it works after this pregnancy too!!    Bec
  •  Breastfeeding and eating healthier – being on maternity leave as I’m a nurse and doing shift work we often ate more take away then we should of so now we don’t eat a lot of junk. Think drinking lots of water too and not worrying about losing the weight. I’m 2kgs under pre pregnancy weight with baby 2 and on my way to pre baby 1!   Jessica
  •  Breast feeding & portion control.    Andrea
  •  Breastfeeding, but once I finished breastfeeding the weight piled on, trying to lose weight now.    Leeanne
  •  Breast feeding bubba.    Aimee
  •  Breastfeeding.    Fiona
  •  Lots of healthy small meals and lots of hrs at the gym.   Lorelle
  •  Isagenix! !!!!! AMAZING! !!!! Safe for breastfeeding completely natural. Love everything about it!    Carol
  •  45 minute or hour walk each day.   Carly
  •  Lol nothing, I lost some weight for my wedding in September but its back on now.    Amanda
  •  Weight watchers & exercise.    Jemma
  •  1200 calories per day of food intake and exercise 4-5 days a week. Losing about 1kg per week.    Bec
  •  Breastfeedung was working until i stopped then it crept back on again. Then Insanity workouts. Now im pregnant again. Hopefully breastfeeding proves better second time around.    Emily
  •  Hard work.   Amy
  •  Breastfeeding & I’d love to say I did other things but nothing else down to pre birth weight 8weeks after she was born, only put on 8kg in the pregnancy though because I walked almost daily and ate really well & had lots of water!    Chantelle
  •  Eat less, move more.    Yasi
  •  Healthy eating and walking.    Krystyne
  •  Breast feeding. I will admit to eating more junk than I should. But I figure you only live once so I not strict with what I eat.    Amy 
  • Bf, exercise and eating healthy. Balance is the key, if you eat more/worse foods exercise more to burn it off.   Dianne
  •  Oh and I was BFing for almost 3 consecutive years, it didn’t work on its own to get rid of any weight though I did plateau nicely and didn’t gain any weight either, just the extra I gained per pregnancy lol.    Suzannah
  •  Eating well until I was full, of foods I enjoyed with plenty of fruit/vegies/protein and treats as I wanted them. And I did squats to increase some active muscle mass and made an effort to play more physical games with my children and take them for more walks. Moved 10kg nice and slowly over 9-10mths. This was 17mths after my 2nd when I decided I wanted to get fitter and healthier. Oh and drunk plenty of fresh water.    Suzannah
  •  Breast feeding, drinking water and eating generally healthy, back to post baby weight (lost 25kg) in 5months.   Stacie
  •  Being pregnant did it for me first pregnancy almost 30kg this pregnancy 15kg so far.   Ruth
  •  Lose baby weight – best plans ever, weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant.   Renee
  •  Breast feeding helped and also hand mopping the kitchen floor followed by towel drying every 2nd day walking to the shops and not eating after 8pm. I’ve list all the baby weight which was only 4kg. I was 88kg now I’m 76kg. I still want to lose more.    Justine
  •  Swimming. I’ve got 3 and back to wedding weight.   Mimmina
  •   Breast feeding! Went from 70kg at 40 weeks preg, down to 47kg 2 weeks after giving birth.    Karen
  •  Lose baby weight or the healthy mummy diet and exercise plan.    Jacinta
  •  Breast feeding and exercise- 1 and a half hrs a day, 5-6 days a week. Lost 25kg in 7 months.    Kylie
  •  Breastfeeding, a good diet and some exercise! 20kgs down in 16 weeks.    Mel
  •  Excercise and healthy eating. Getting gall stones helped to lol I’ve lost over 20 kilos since November.    Amber
  •  Yummy mummy shakes can you have those while breast feeding? I cannot shake my baby weight, I’m breastfeeding eating reasonably healthy and dairy free ( daughter has milk allergy) and can’t lose a thing.    Kylie
  •  Breastfeeding and walking have got me to pre-baby weight and I’ve just started yummy mummy shakes and eating/exercise plan which supports breastfeeding.   Debby
  •  Breast feeding and house work. Maybe I was just lucky, but the weight just melted off me. Didn’t overeat, everything in moderation.    Jan
  •  Breastfeeding and eating healthy balanced meals. : )    Tiff
  •  Plenty of water, breastfeeding, walking and genetics took care of the rest.   Vernazza
  •  Breastfeeding, not eating after 7pm, drinking water in the mornings before anything (to boost your metabolism), the “it works global” wraps to tighten loose skin and reduce celulite and their Greens which give you 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables.    Romy
  •  Calorie counting helped me shift 40kgs after my first.   Caitlin
  •  Breastfeeding and drinking only water (eat whatever I feel like).    Melissa
  •  I eat dinner early with my baby/toddler around 5.30/6pm every night and snack very little before bed time. That has helped a little. But definitely need to do proper exercise to lose more…Sanny
  • Body trim! I’ve dropped 16.5kgs since the start of October. I’ve only got 2.5kgs to go to my goal weight. I’ve been walking nearly every day for about 40-60 mins and pushing a double pram… That really works you out. I also have been going for runs but that’s not very often due to my 7 month old. Breastfeeding didn’t really help me lose weight. I’m pretty surprised that I’ve still got a great milk supply with being in my diet. I did eat a bit more protein for each meal than what I was meant to.    Cherie
  •  Eating healthy, & going to gym!    Crystal
  •  I started to lose weight with breast feeding but when I had to start mix feeding my son the weight just piled on. I’m going to try a detox.    Aileen
  •  Getting pregnant. Lost 20kg with my first, and only put on 5kg with second, so lost 5kg within a week of ds being born.    Jemima
  •  A good diet and hard work.   Michelle
  •  Walking all my pregnancy and after, and i guess morning sickness helped! 30kg lighter than my pre pregancy weight :))    Lori
  •  Breastfeeding! It was brilliant. I ate what I wanted and still lost lots. Then stopped breastfeeding and BAM weight piled back on .    Niamh
  •  Exercise and lite n easy.   Rachel
  •  Tony ferguson and exercise.   Kim
  •  Breast feeding and despite the fact it can make you need to eat more,making sensible food choices….unless we’re talking honey jumbles l ate heaps of them.   Amanda
  •  Burning more calories than I put in my mouth lol.    Mel
  •  Eating well and exercising. Not crap fads.    Simone
  •  Clean eating and using “My Fitness Pal” also I am a Herbalife rep.. Which is all natural and completely safe for pregnant and breast feeding women! Feel free to pm if u would like more information!    Kelly
  •  Breastfeeding, eating healthy and exercise.    Emma
  •  I didn’t rejoin but I went back to the weight watchers philosophy I learnt prior to falling pregnant. I lost just under 15kgs in a few months.    Sara
  •  Weight watchers helped last time.   Arlene
  •  BF and the stress of my lil man in NICU, walking backwards and forwards from RMH to the hospital. Pre preg weight in 2 weeks.    Sue-Anne
  •   Getting a pt and becoming a pt.    Catie
  •  I did body trim and found it fantastic was able to get lower than pre pregnancy weight. Basically very little carbs and sugar, high protein and salad/veggies and a half hour walk a day. Will most likely be doing it again after this baby.    Nadine
  •  Going back to work helped can’t pick all day.   Susan
  •  Breastfeeding.   Tarena
  •  Breast feeding & Water!   Hannah
  •  Breast feeding.   Rebecca
  •  Fish and green beans every 3 hour six times a day. Don’t be a pig & eat small amount each time. If you get sick of it chuck some protein shakes or change it to some other lean meat & Gym!    Koko
  •  Breastfeeding, chasing a toddler around and a fat free diet to stop gallstone attacks!   Lisa
  •  Breast feeding.   Hayley
  •  Healthier eating habits and light exercise, I lost 15kgs in year and kept it off for 10 months before conceiving (would of lost a lot more weight but never kept track on what my weight was).   Katelyn
  •  The old fashion way, eating healthy and working out. Cardio and weights.  Stacey
  •  Breastfeeding, paleo diet and walking.   Sophie
  •  You have all stressed me out now lol. I eat so much food breast feeding a lot of it is bad food! And I haven’t lost or gained weight but now I’m thinking I will gain when I stop breast feeding. Time to get my bum into action.  Donna
  •  Breast feeding, and trying not to snack between meals. I don’t think exercise in the first six weeks is recommended.    Jade
  •  Breastfeeding has made me lose almost 20kgs, plus a good diet has helped. Have not been walking like I planned. I think I will be starting that asap after reading what some ladies have said with the weight piling back on after stopping breastfeeding!    Roslyn
  •  I am one of the lucky mums who lost weight breastfeeding with both kids (7yr age gap between kids) was a size 14 before I got pregnant by the time my son was 2-3mths I was a size 10.   Donna
  •  Think I may be adding to it with no 2 let alone losing it!   Sarifah
  •  Breastfeeding helped me lose all baby weight in 4 weeks post partum now just clean eating and exercise to lose a but extra and still breastfeeding and have list 2.5 kilos in 4 days.    Shanae
  •  Walking everywhere.    Anna
  •  I lost about 20kg while breastfeeding then put it and more on when she weaned. I’ll let you know what works when I manage to actually shift any of it. Have just started taking the long way home from school drop off (we walk to school as its only 5 minutes up the road) and I’m hoping that the walking will help shift some of the weight.    Sandra 
  •  Walking in the months before birth and after.  Betty


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