
Tag: Post pregnancy/Postnatal/Postpartum

post pregnancy exercise

Post Natal Exercise Expert’s Tips on Safe return to Post Pregnancy Exercise

If you want your abdominal muscles to recover from a pregnancy and get a flat tummy within 6 months of having your baby you must not do.

Hair loss after birth

Hair Loss after Birth: Is it Normal?

Worried about hair loss after birth? You’re not alone. Firstly, yes it is normal. And secondly, here’s why and what you can do. Why do we experience hair loss after …

Placenta chronicles - 5 ideas for using your placenta

Placenta chronicles – 5 ideas for using your placenta

The placenta. A slightly squeamish topic for some. Nevertheless ideas abound for using your placenta after delivery.

Post pregnancy hair loss

Post pregnancy hair loss

Post pregnancy hair loss explained.

bleeding stop after birth

When did you stop bleeding after birth?

Q&A: When did you stop bleeding after birth?

Experiences with Recovery shorts

Q&A: Just wanted to ask other mum’s if they have tried recovery shorts after having baby and if they think they help?

Experiences with abdominal separation

Q&A: Wondering if anyone has had any experience with abdominal separation? I gave birth 9 weeks ago and wanted to know how long it took for them to go back together?

Post Pregnancy Belly Bands

Q&A: I was wanting information on belly bands/shapers to help hey stomach muscles etc back into shape after giving birth. Wondering what brands other people used, how they work, pros and cons, how much they cost, and if they worked well for you.

Post-Partum Hair Loss

Im 4 months post baby and my hair is falling out in chunks! I know that while pregnant you don’t shed thats the reason for the loss, but is there …

Shifting Baby Weight

Q&A: What worked for you to shift the baby weight?


Things people don’t tell you when you decide to get pregnant

Some, all or none of this will be true for you but this is what I’ve experienced and I hope it will help you, even just a little bit.

Post Birth Recovery: Tips and Advice

Lorraine from Pregnancyexercise.co.nz provides a day-by-day explanation of how to give your body the best start to recovering and getting back to ‘normal’ after giving birth.

Postpartum Doulas – What do they do?

Have you ever heard of a postpartum Doula? Samantha Birch explains exactly what they do and how they could benefit you.

post pregnancy exercise

Post Pregnancy Exercise: R.E.S.T.

The key to post pregnancy exercise is REST: Relax, Exercise, Sleep, Time for Mum.