
Tag: Baby food

Banana Blueberry Muffins

Banana Blueberry Muffins -Just Four Ingredients!

Recipe: Banana Blueberry Muffins – 4 ingredient Finger Food Food for Baby . These yummy sugar free muffins are also make a perfect snack for older children

Baby food recipes

Baby food recipes – a round up of baby puree and finger food recipes to help inspire you to create tasty food your baby will love.

3 Baby Puree Recipes

3 Baby Puree Recipes Using My Lil Pouch by our friends at Kidingredients. Use pouches to make your own purees & know exactly what you are feeding your baby

red lentil dhal recipe

Red Lentil Dhal: Food Babies Love

Recipe: Yummy red lentil dhal recipe made with pumpkin that makes perfect baby food or a delicious accompaniment to roti bread for the rest of the family.

alterntaive baby cereal

Alternative baby cereal – baby’s first food

Starting solids can be overwhelming with the variety of options for baby’s first food.  Read our guide to starting solids written by our resident general practioner. I was just wondering …


Ultimate advice for starting solids

Q&A: What is your ultimate piece of advice for our mums about to start solids?

{RECIPE} Zucchini and Pea Pasta

Many toddlers go through a fussy phase where they only want to feed themselves. Simple pasta dishes, full of flavoursome veggie combinations, are a great way to embrace and encourage this newfound confidence while keeping their little bellies full and nutritional needs met.

{RECIPE} Crispy Baked Veggie Quinoa Balls

These little veggie and quinoa balls are crisp on the outside and soft and gooey in the center, the perfect baby finger food or a healthy family snack. Quinoa is a fabulous first food for your baby as it is full of fibre, iron and calcium – key components for a healthy baby’s nutrition.

baby food in bowl

Puree Suggestions

Q&A What suggestions do you have for a Puree Recipe swap ?

{RECIPE} Salmon and Vegie Mash

by Allie from OneHandedCooks
This salmon and veggie mash is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals, perfect for growing babies. Introducing fish early, in a variety of different ways will help little ones accept the new flavor and texture and embrace it as one of their favourite foods. Plus, it’s a great option for Good Friday.

hidden veggie pasta sauce

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce

Allie from OneHandedCooks has cooked up a delicious pasta sauce recipe that hides the vegies.