Baby’s Arrival – How breastfeeding myths can affect you and your baby
The arrival of your new baby is an exciting and joyous event but it often comes with many people offering advice about breastfeeding. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC explores two common myths about breastfeeding that are often offered as ‘advice’.
Asthma in Children
What is asthma? What are the symptoms? How is it diagnosed? How is it treated?
Coughs and Colds in Kids
Children will have an average of six to twelve colds in a 12 month period. Our Pharmacist Tanya explains what to look out for, when to head to the doctor, and why you shouldn’t bother buying cough medicine.
How to Negotiate Parenting Disputes
“On television, divorce and separation is all about lawyers and their clients having dramatic confrontations in boardrooms, complete with ultimatums and walk-outs. The reality, not surprisingly, is somewhat different…” Family Lawyer Peter Curry provides some great tips on how to approach separation negotiations so the children come out the winners.
Does your child shout too much?
Wish your child would learn to use their inside voice? Early childhood educator Jan Jones has some great tips for you.
I’m on empty! I need more milk!… Or do I?
Expert Tips: Lactation consultant shares tips on how to know if you have low milk supply and how to increase milk supply
Midwife Tips: Pre Labour/Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)
The moment your waters break is usually a signal for women that they will get to meet their baby soon. But sometimes baby doesn’t come straight away or it happens before full term. Our midwife, Caroline May, explains what PROM and PPROM are, and what you can expect if you experience it.
Medication in Pregnancy
Medication in pregnancy needs to be taken only after discussion with a qualified professional. The following is some of the information that can be used to determine if a medication is appropriate in conjunction with chatting to your doctor or pharmacist.
Why Good Posture is important Pre and Post Pregnancy
Lorraine from Pregnancy Exercise explains how to assess your posture and what poor posture can indicate, especially after pregnancy.
The first few weeks of school or kindergarten
Starting school or kindergarten is a massive change for children and parents alike. Lots of us face a few bumps in those first few weeks, here are some tips to deal with those challenges.
9 Summer and home safety tips
With summer in full swing, most families are run off their feet at this time of year, entertaining guests and spending time outdoors. But don’t forget to look at things through a child’s eyes! Homesafe Kids has some tips to ensure it’s a happy season for all.
What is Autism and What does it Look Like
Our Early Childhood expert, Jan Jones, explains what Autism is and how to recognise it.
Diastasis recti exercises (what you need to know before falling pregnant again)
Are you planning to have another baby this year? Have you got your Pre Pregnancy shape back from your last pregnancy? If you still have your post baby tummy then your stomach muscles may have not healed from your previous pregnancy. This means you could possibly have a diastasis. And you need to act now.
The sound of speech – the ages and stages of children’s speech
Learning to communicate is a step by step process for all children, but many parents wonder if their children’s speech and language is developing normally. Our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, discusses the stages of speech development, the general pattern that most children follow, and when to seek help.
Best Play Space Ideas for Babies and Toddlers
Babies inhabit the floor – and it is a very different world to what we are used to. Jan Jones, our early childhood expert, challenges us to get down and see things from our baby’s perspective and provides a range of activities to allow us to play at their level.
How your child develops?
The first few years are extremely important in the growth and development of your child. Parents guide their children through these years. These are wonderful times to laugh, play and learn from and with your child. Our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, looks at the four main areas of development and provides some ideas to help aid your child’s development.
Working from Home Tips: Pricing – Don’t sell yourself short! (Part 5 of 5)
It’s finally time to sell your product, but how much should it cost your customers? Nic Jones from MarketMe dissects the pricing breakdown and helps you work out how to encourage business growth while also growing your bank balance.
Helping your baby to talk
Every baby learns to talk by listening to people talk, by playing with sounds and words, and by talking to others. Our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, describes how babies first learn to recognise sounds, and then create them based on these foundations.
Working from Home Tips: Marketing
You’ve decided on your new business venture, registered your unique name and secured a domain address. Now how do you tell the world about your product or service. Nic Jones from MarketMe discusses the ins and outs of marketing, and how you can get the best out of your brand new business.
Play and Leisure Resources for your Baby
Jan Jones provides an extensive list of play and leisure activities to stimulate particular areas of learning from birth right up until 12 years old.
Good Posture during Feeding Baby
Lorraine from PregnancyExercise gives us some pointers on preventing the dreaded neck and back pain when feeding our bubs.
Simple handmade toys for baby
Instructions on making a scrunch bag (suitable for 4-18 month olds) plus other homemade toys. There is also information on the value of these toys for babies’ development.
Helping baby communicate
Babies might not be able to talk, but they definitely know how to let us know how they are feeling! Jan Jones explores how children communicate and provides tips on how to encourage their communication skills and reasons why things might not be progressing as well as they should.
Working from Home Tips: Finding your Passion (part 2 of 5)
The first step to starting a small business is to consider whether a small business is right for you. Nic from Market Me discusses how to identify what you are really passionate about, and the steps you need to take to increase your chances of success.
Post Birth Recovery: Tips and Advice
Lorraine from provides a day-by-day explanation of how to give your body the best start to recovering and getting back to ‘normal’ after giving birth.
Midwife Tips: Breech babies
Babies are meant to turn themselves head down in the latter part of a pregnancy, but not all do with approximately 4-5% staying upright. Midwife Caroline May discusses some of the options available for mums to encourage their breech bub to turn.
Colic? Bore your baby to sleep!
Expert tips: Does colic actually exist? Dr Howard Chilton shares his expert opinion, and it might surprise you!
Postpartum Doulas – What do they do?
Have you ever heard of a postpartum Doula? Samantha Birch explains exactly what they do and how they could benefit you.
What can a Doula do at Your Birth?
What is a doula and why do you want one?
Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home
One of the most common questions asked on the Baby Hints and Tips Facebook page concerns how to bring on labour, and advice given usually ranges from sex and nipple stimulation to bouncing on a fit ball, castor oil and hot curries. The question is however, is there any evidence that any of these things actually work?