
Tag: Pain relief

Preparing for labour

Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!

Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.

Water birth, labour, birth

Water Birth Experiences

Q&A: Just wondering if I could get some advice on a water birth (not a home water birth). I am just wondering who has opted for this and would love to hear success stories as well as positives and negatives of a water birth

Epidural Injection

Subsequent epidural injection after failure

Q&A: For my first birth I opted for an epidural and it was unsuccessful (only numbed my legs). I’m due with #2 in a few months and am tossing up whether to have another epidural or not.

Pain Relief Alternatives To Epidural in Labour

Pain Relief Alternatives To Epidural in Labour

Community Tips: Parents share their experience with pain relief alternatives to epidural including saline injections, TENS machines, gas and showers

TENS machine for pain relief in labour

Q&A: Just wanting to know experiences from people who used the TENS pain relief during labour. Did it work and was it worth it?

Experiences with Epidurals

Q&A: I was looking for people’s experiences with epidurals?