Most of us grew up with an Uncle Jack or Grandad Bob which were good, strong boys’ names in our parents and grandparents eras. Some have made a comeback over the past few years and others have now entered the scene to provide us with an eclectic selection of boys’ names that reflect our great country.
Some are unique, some are traditional, some you may not have thought of! All of them however pay homage to Australia so if you’ve a passion for Aussie, Aussie, Aussie one of these might be for you!
Below we have put together a list of our favourite true blue Australian boys’ names for you to consider when naming your little Aussie:
And check out our Aussie girl names
- Adam
- Akama (Aboriginal, Meaning: whale)
- Archie
- Banjo (Banjo Patterson)
- Bardin (Aboriginal, Meaning: Ironbark tree)
- Barwon (Aboriginal, Meaning: Magpie)
- Burke
- Byron (place)
- Callan (Aboriginal, Meaning: Sparrow)
- Clancy (Clancy of the Overflow)
- Coen (Aboriginal, Meaning: Thunder)
- Darel (Aboriginal, Meaning: Blue sky)
- Darwin (Place)
- Dusty
- Edmund
- Euroa (Aboriginal, Meaning: Joy)
- Flynn
- Gough (Gough Whitlam)
- Henry (Henry Lawson)
- Harrison
- Hunter
- Jack
- Joey
- Lawson (Henry Lawson)
- Malarkey
- Mel (Mel Gibson)
- Mitchell
- Moki (Aboriginal, Meaning: Cloudy)
- Murray (River)
- Ned
- Patterson (Banjo Patterson)
- Reef
- Sydney (place)
Have you given your baby a unique Australian name that we haven’t included? We would love for you to share it with us.