Dropping the the dream feed: I was just wondering when other mums/bubs did it (what age)? How did you go about it? Did bubs make up for that milk feed during the day instead?
SEE ALSO: What is a dream feed?
SEE ALSO: Dream feeds – helpful or not?
- We dropped it at 6 months. She was still taking anywhere between 120ml – 180ml. We brought the time forward from 10pm to 9pm over a week and then one Friday night decided to go cold turkey. Nothing changed, she didn’t wake for it and woke at her normal morning time between 6:30/7am the next day. She breastfed during the day so she may have taken more from me to make up for it Candice
- they say anywhere from 6 month but no hard and fast rule. I dropped ours at 10 months over a few days. I just gave less and less ( I expressed) Then when he woke resettled instead of giving a bottle. Sally
- I dropped it only a a month ago my dd daughter is 61/2 months she now sleeps all night she has her last feed around 6-7 sleeps till 6:30-7 Shannon
- About 12 weeks. Noticed she was becoming less interested & not feeding well at 7am. I make sure her last feed of a night 6-7ish is always a good one. Hope that helps Angela
SEE ALSO: Weaning from night feeds
- My baby is 3 months and I dropped the dreamfeed about 2 weeks ago. It doesn’t make any difference to when he wakes. He will still wake once a night for a feed between 3am and 5am either with or without the dreamfeed. I just thought I would experiment with it and he slept the first night I dropped it from 7pm until 3am so I figured he didn’t need it as he was waking for that feed anyway and then he goes back to sleep until anywhere between 7 am and 8 am. Pip
- I tried to ditch it at 9months and it didn’t work at all dd began waking again at night tried again two weeks later and she hasn’t had one since lol we just kept dropping the amount until it was less than 100ml and then stopped altogether can always just give it a go your bubba will let you know whether they’re ready or not! Linda