Where do you purchase all your kids school supplies each year? What seems to be the most cost effective option?
- Next year is our first year with school and we have chosen to get all books and stationery from our local newsagents, we live in a small community so it’s nice to be able to support local businesses. Casey
- More of a when than a where, but I put a couple of school items like, new lunch bag, pencil case, some funky pens, textas etc into my kids Xmas stockings. They get a buzz out of pulling things out of their stockings but they are things they are actually going to use and I was going to have to buy in a couple of weeks anyway. I will try and get funky pencil cases from smiggle or the surf shops. General stationery I get from big w. Teresa
- My mum used to go to office works when we were at school. Chana
- Most thru the school that uses a local news agent but some things like paper reams are cheaper at big w, I head to whole shop around thing for years, was chaos and cost more I think, now I do it by handing the move to the school and much easier. Christine
- Depends what year of school. For prep it was just the same cost to buy it through the book list so that’s what we did. For other years like high school I will probably go to office works like my mum did when I was at school. Bek
- Kmart. Kimberly
- Big w, Kmart or office works. Leigh
- When I was at school I got everything from Office Works! Super cheap and always have heaps of deals after xmas leading up to back to school.. good quality too! Bec
- Big W are pretty good and not toooo expensive. ..Carly
- We don’t have a choice. We don’t even get a book list, the school just orders our books and we just pay for them and pick them up. Debbie