
Baby Hints & Tips

Trending: Medicare funded ‘Mummy Makeovers’

mummy makeoverThis week a Sydney woman named Anna Brine launched a petition on change.org to encourage the Australian Government to make Mummy Makeover Medicare subsidised. Her petition has already been signed by over 5000 Australians but been vilified by like numbers who consider it indulgent and ignorant given the social challenges we face as a nation.

Her requests are not limited to wanting the government to cover the costs of “Breasts – natural and proportioned, Vagi plasty- Vagina, lipo-sculpture of fatty areas, Varicose/ spider veins, perforated stomach muscles fixed and tummy tucks – to get rid of the excess skin” (sic) processes that many women post baby may have contemplated or wished for.

You can see her full petition here and sign it if you support her cause. If you think the government could far better spend your tax dollars on research into childhood illness, homelessness or education that’s okay too..

medicare funded mummy makeovers

How does this petition for medicare funded mummy makeovers make you feel? Are these surgeries you would like to have? Do you think the government should pay for them? What do you think should be a priority for government funding? 

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