When did you tell people you were trying to fall pregnant?
Q&A: We are about to start trying for another baby. How long would you wait to tell family and friends you’re trying to fall pregnant? Or would you tell them when you conceive?
When To Tell Your Boss You Are having a baby
Q&A: How did you notify your employer you were having a baby? Verbally or by email? And what did you say exactly?
10 Adorable Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy
Inspiration: 10 Announce Your Pregnancy Ideas – funny pregnancy announcements, cute pregnancy announcements, superhero pregnancy announcements and lots more
Telling friends who have miscarried or trying to conceive you are pregnant
Q&A: I’ve just found out I’m pregnant. How do I tell my friends that have either recently miscarried or those who have been trying for years to conceive?
How far along in your pregnancy were you before you shared your news?
Q&A: How far along were you in your pregnancy before you told your mum/dad/sister/brother?
Announcing Pregnancy for Fifth Child
Q&A: How would you tell family and friends you were pregnant with your fifth when mostly all of them think 1 or 2 children is plenty
Unique and fun pregnancy announcement ideas
Q&A: I just found out I am pregnant with number 2 (YAY!!) I just am after different/unique ways to tell family members and friends that we are expecting again.