
Baby Hints & Tips

One year old routine – sleep and your one year old baby

Congratulations! You made it through your first (and arguably hardest) year of parenthood. Once you’ve reached the one year mark it can be difficult to know how your baby’s routine should change, so we’ve gotten together expert advice and parent’s testimonies to give you a bit of a better idea on your one year olds one’s routine.

One year old routine

Ask The Baby Sleep Expert – Tara Mitchell talks the one year old routine

We asked Tara Mitchell, baby sleep consultant, what you need to know about your one year old baby’s routine. Of course, her advice is only general – if you have any concerns about your child please contact your doctor urgently.

At one year old, there may be some talk around dropping naps or when to drop to one nap a day. Hold onto that second nap for dear life ðŸ˜‰ You may find nap #2 is becoming more difficult to achieve – if this is the case, add more time awake. You can really offer that nap as late as 4pm even if it’s just a 30-40 minute kip, followed by bed around 7:30pm at the latest.  Below are some general guidelines for the nap transition 2 –> 1.

  • When your little one starts to refuse their second nap, try pushing it back later to see if they will pick it back up.
  • The second nap most commonly drops at around 15 months or older.
  • Offer some downtime when your little one drops that nap, a walk in the pram in the afternoon is a great way to allow your little one some rest.
  • Use an early bedtime when they first drop their second nap.

We asked our community about their one year old’s routines for eating, sleeping and playing. 

  • My 1 year old wakes between 5-6am and has a 200ml cows milk bottle. Play time until breakfast at 8am. Nap between 9-10am for about 1.5 hrs. Lunch at 11:30-12. Nap again around 1:30 for about 1.5 hrs. 180ml cows milk bottle at 3pm. Play until dinner at about 5:30-6pm. Dinner, bath, daddy time. Final 180ml cows milk bottle around 7pm. In bed for the night by 8pm. Taneile
  • My 15 month old- wakes 7-7:30am, has a morning bottle (125ml), we then have breakfast around 8, play till 11 then it’s another bottle if he wants and sleep till 1pm. Then more play, reading, etc; dinner at 6:30, bath at 7 and bed with bottle (125ml) with book at 7:30pm. This one year old routine has worked a treat for us Claire
  • My little poppet is up about 8/8:30am has breaky and water plays with her brother. Has a sandwich at 11am, goes down for her nap at 11:30 sleeps anywhere between 1-3 hrs gets up has her sippy cup of milk and a snack. Plays again and has her dinner 5/5:30pm with sippy cup of milk (she wont take a bottle after we finish breast feeding). Bath and pjs at 6pm, watches giggle n hoot and plays, bed at 7pm Cherie
  • 20 month old wakes at 5, has warm milk in a sippy cup, back to sleep till 7:30/8am. Breakfast: weet-bix and cup of juice. Watches her abc shows or pre recorded peppa pig episodes, plays with blocks or draws pictures with her crayons. Lunch at 11:30/12: vegemite sandwhich and fruit with water to drink. Plays in her toybox till 1:30 then naps till 3:30/4pm, outside play till 5 dinner, 6/6:30 bath. At 7 it’s quiet time watching telly then bed at 8:30. Shani
  • 16 month old – Wakes between 5 & 6.30. We do cuddles and she has half a sippy cup of milk, breakfast, play, morning tea. Bed approx 10, sleeps an hour and a half. Lunch, play. bed about 2.30pm. Sleeps an hour and a half, afternoon tea, play. dinner about 5, bath 5.30, bed between 6 & 6.30. This can change as some days she will only have a lunch time sleep. Jenna
  • My boy is 14months. He’s up anywhere between 6-7, has a sleep around 11-1 then again about 4-5,  bed about 8. He’s allergic to sleep at night and feeds 5-6milion times overnight We do Monday-swimming/toddler gym, Tuesday-crèche, Wednesday-playgroup, Thursday-daycare, Friday-music/rhyme time, Saturday-crèche/swim. Try to get outdoors every arvo. Sundays we have a family day (we both work/study 4 days a week, so Sunday is the only day off as a family) and go out 99%of the time, if its bad weather we get some movies out and have a couch day. We have porridge every morning, fruit for morning tea, lunch varies, afternoon tea is usually a bit of toast or cereal, dinner is anything from rice and chili to veggie stir fry and noodles to roast and veg. Dessert is fruit and yogurt. Trish
  • My little boy wakes at around 7 in the morning we get up and he has his breaky and a play with all the utensils in the draws! Then shower or bath and then will go down with a bottle at around 11. That sleep only last 40mins!!! Then we are up and having lunch a play and dance with his musical toys and by 2 he’s really ready for a snooze and bottle. Poor thing has to get woken cause the other kids need to be picked up from school! He’ll play happily for a few hour with his brothers then at 6 we have dinner followed by some more play with me and his grandparents, then bottle and bed at 8.30. He sleeps right through, yay! Kathleen
  • My 1 year old gets up about 5-6am, has a 180ml of cow’s milk then breakfast. After that we have a play till 9 and he has a sleep for 2 hours till 11am. After this he has lunch and another bottle then at about 1 he has a sleep till 4. Then he has bath and play time with dad and tea. By about 7 he is ready for bed again with a bottle Joeline
  • My one year old wakes for the day at 7am, bottle (260mls), 9:30am morning tea, 10am nap until 12ish, lunch when he wakes at 12, afternoon bottle at 2pm (260mls), nap at 2:30pm until around 3pm dinner at 5:30,bath then bed at 6:30pm for the night. During the day he loves to explore the house, or play with his toys or we read books etc. Kayla
  • Awake 7.30, breakfast & milk (in tippee cup), followeed by some play and a nap around 9.30-11.30. Lunch & milk (in tippee cup). A bit more play and then another nap at 2-4. Milk, snack & play. Dinner & milk (in tippe cup) at around 5.30-6. Bath at 6.30, play and then off to bed 7.30 Kara
  • My 12 month month old wakes between 6-7am, has a bottle of formula, plays until breaky at 8am. More playing until nap time around 9.30-11am. More playing or errands with me down the street, lunch and a sippy cup of cows milk, playing until nap around 1pm-2.30pm. He has a bottle of formula upon waking up. Then we play, go for walks, or he plays in his bedroom whilst I fold the washing in his room. Dinner is at 5, sippy cup of cows milk, bath at 6, bottle formula at 6.20 and bedtime between 6.30-7pm Jenna
  • 16 month old daughter gets up at 7am, has a warm milo in her hoot mug and weet-bix. She then plays or watches hi 5, has a snack around 10am usually fruit, cheese and crackers. Has a nap at 11am, gets up around 1pm and has lunch. Then she plays more until she has a snack around 3pm. Dinner at 5.30pm and then a bath or shower at 6pm. Warm cup of milk after her bath and in bed by 7pm. She has water all throughout the day and sleeps from 7 to 7 Sarah
  • Gets up at 7 – 7.30 ish. Breakfast straight away while getting big ones ready for school. Come home helps with washing and tidying then play outside till 11ish for snack and a bottle of cows milk before a 2- 3 hour nap.We have lunch when she wakes up and we play till pick up others then home. She snacks and bottle cows milk to tide her over till tea because dad doesn’t get home till 6.30. Then we have tea and do the bed routine: she has a  bottle and story is off to bed at 7-30 ish. Lauren
  • My one year old’s routine involves a 3 hour day sleep at 12pm, Bed at 7:30pm-6:30am, 3 meals a day.   She grazes all day, breast milk before breaky, breast milk after eating lunch, breast milk before bed, I spend my time teaching her new things through play, I teach her right from wrong in the process of play, She loves giving me evil poses for the camera then laughs about it, She’s like a 3 month old sized adult, very amusing. Apreinia
  • My child is 18 months old still has 3-4 breast feeding wakes. At 6.50am daddy’s alarm goes off and his eyes are like saucers. In one day, they’ll sleep sleep at 10-10.30 for 1.5 to 3 hours play in sandpit, under hose, go to park. Dinner at 5 bed at 7 and has been waking at night again for 3+ hours Jennie
  • 16 month old- Wakes between 6:30 and 7, has their bottle, breakfast at 8 (scrambled eggs or weet-bix), play until 10:30, morning tea (banana and some berries, strawberry or blueberry), play, sleep at 12, up at 2, lunch (veggies and meat or occasionally a sandwich), play, afternoon tea at 4 (mandarin or yoghurt pouch), play, nap at 5, up at 5:30, bath, play, dinner at 6:30, bottle at 7, quiet reading and cuddles, bed at 7:30 Katiee
  • Should have dropped the milk bottles at 12 months (as i did with my daughter) but I continued to give my son a bed time bottle up till 18months. (I reduced it from 200ml slowly down to 40ml then replaced with water). now Milk in a cup and yoghurts during the day is the substitute. My boy is now 21months, sleeps 7pm-630am and seems to eat all day, breakfast, play, fruit for morning tea, play, lunch, he naps around 1-3pm. Afternoon snack, play, then dinner, bath and quiet time. Nicole
  • My 14 month old wakes between 6.30-7.30am, Breastfed when wakes, Breakfast 1hr later, Sleep 9.30-11/11.30, Lunch 12/12.30, Afternoon sleep 2pm-3pm, Dinner 5pm, breastfeed and bed 6.30pm Nicky
  • Wakes at 6:15, has bottle, back to bed till 8, gets up, gets dressed has toast at 10:30, has yoghurt and fruit at 12 pm. Bottle and naptime is normally till 2:30-3pm, wakes for afternoon tea. We have dinner at 6pm, bath at 6:30pm, bottle and bed around 7:30. Brooke
  • 11 months, wakes at 8, has a bottle (180ml), breakfast at 9am, plays, goes back down at 11, wakes at 1pm. Bottle then lunch, plays, goes back down for a sleep at 4, wakes at 5.30, then has a bottle and plays till about 6.30/7, then has dinner, then bath, bottle,  bed at 8, then sleeps 12 hours straight. Hailey
  • Almost 14 month old, wakes at 5:30am. Breaky of toast/cereal at 6 with cup of milk. Sleep at 9/9.30 for 1 hr. Smoko, play, lunch, down for nap at 1.30/2ish for 1-1.5 hrs. Smoko, play/swim. Dinner at 5.30 with cup of milk then bath and storytime. Bed at 6.30 and sleeps thru til 5.30am. Jealous of all these bubs sleeping til 7 or 8! We cut bottles out at 11 months and just have a cup of cows millk at breaky and tea. Bub walked at 8 months so has a big appetite due to being on the go all day. Brittany
  • Great day to ask that question. Well this morning anyway!! He woke at 5, dummy back in then woke at 6 and had a 180ml full milk bottle. Played and had breaky around 6:30-7. 10: slice of jam toast and a banana. Back to sleep at 8:30 for about 10 mins. Got up again and played til 9:30. Slept til 10. We got ready and were at the drs for our 11 appointment. Finally got in at 11:40. With crazy baby, got him sorted and I just cancelled my part of the appointment. Geez! I really should have taken the pram in, but there isn’t much room inside the waiting room. Crazy crazy baby. Stressed out mumma. Then had to do the groceries and he is now finally asleep in his cot. Yay! Normal day – wakes about 5:30- 180mls full milk bottle. Breaky around 6:30- toast & banana. Play, then sleep about 9- Morning tea about 10 – yoghurt, lunch at 11:30. Sleep about 12-1 or if I’m lucky 2!! Play and 180ml full milk bottle about 2. Play, play, play, dinner about 5:30- bath 6:30 and bottle 180ml, then in bed by 7!! Antje
  • My 13 month old wakes around 6.30, has water then we walk the dog, then home for breakfast at 7 porridge, weet-bix, toast etc. He then has a shower, then plays with his toys, books and drums, he’s walking so plays wherever he likes. 8am, 180ml bottle of cows milk, 9-10.30 plays with children at crèche, whilst mummy goes to gym. During this time snacks on fruit, biscuits, cheese etc. 11am, 180ml of milk and he will then nap for 2.5-4 hours. As soon as he wakes he has lunch and lots of water, we play outside, with toys or go swimming, walk to the park, it changes most days. Dinner at 5.30, bath and bottle and bed at around 6.30. Works amazing for us and I’m not one to worry about what people say i should do as long as my boy is happy and healthy, which he is then I know he is doing well. Xx Bec
  • My 16 month old wakes about 7.30 and has brekky with his older siblings. Morning tea around 10ish, then has a bottle (full cream milk 200ml) to go to sleep at 11.30, sleeps til 2ish. Has lunch when wakes, afternoon tea 3.30, dinner with the family at 6pm. “In the night garden” at 6.30 then bath/shower. Bottle (full cream milk 200ml) to go to bed at 7.30. We do all sorts of things from staying at home, play dates, parks, shops etc. Renee
  • My little princess wakes at 7, plays till 8, then breaky, shower/bath plays till 10-1030 and has a bottle (260 ml) cows milk. And naps for 2-2.5 hours. Wakes up, has lunch, more play, reading, watching telly. Sometimes has second bottle and nap for about 1.5-2 hours. Not always. If no nap, has arvo tea. Dinner at 530-6. And is in bed with a bottle by 630. And asleep by 7 Sarah
  • My 20 month old wakes at 6. As soon as she wakes she has breakfast & sippy cup of formula. We get ready for our day then walk the big brother to school. Then she has morning tea at 9 and a play at the park/ library. She has lunch at 12. Goes down for her nap at 12.30-2.30. We go and pick big brother up from school. On Wednesday’s her and her bother have swimming lessons on other days of the week we take her brother to his activities or go for a play at the park. Dinner at 6. Bath at 6.30. Then she has a sippy cup of formula before bed while I’m doing homework with her brother and put him to bed. Then she goes to bed at 7.30 Kassie
  • I’ve got 2 girls and my two year old has two bottles a day, 1 with her breakfast and one at bed time and sometimes one for her afternoon nap. My 1 year old has 2-3 bottles  a day and 1 over night. She’s still a baby to me and to take her bottles off her ‘cold turkey’ which is what the MCHN recommended is mean! I’m just glad I’m not the only one, I was going to write in to here after I’d been on Wednesday to find out what other mums were doing with the kids at the same 1-2 years old. Cassandra
  • 16 month old gets up at 7.30, has breakfast (normally 3 courses), then puzzle time at the table. Then has shower and gets dressed. Plays in room until 10am has snack time and milk in sippy cup, lunch is at 11.30, nap at 12-2ish. Then snack time with milk again. Late afternoon snack is around 4, dinner at 5.30 bed at 6.30. We do drawing, play doh, puzzles, painting, outside play, ball play, blocks, matching games, story time and independent reading/ looking pictures, singing and devotions and walks. Karla
  • 14 month old girl… Wakes up 5.30am, has a sippy cup of milk. Non daycare days we play together until breaky otherwise she’s at day care at 6.30am. Breaky at 7am, we either play outside or she tries to help with housework. Morning tea at 8.30am/9am, then down for a nap until 10.30am/11am. We then play with play doh, paint, draw pictures, water play, read books, run around outside until lunch at 12pm. Then we play again until 1pm, then sippy cup of milk and down for another nap until around 3.30pm/4pm. Then we go for a walk with daddy & the dog or water the vegies or fold clothes, dinner at 5pm, bath at 5.30pm, quiet time with books & Giggle & Hoot at 6pm, sippy cup of milk at 6.20pm and in bed at 6.30pm Kirsty
  • 1yr girl, wakes up between 8-9, has yoghurt and a sipper cup of cows milk, plays until 12pm-1pm, has some lunch if she’s hungry, sleeps for about two hours then another sipper cup of milk. She then plays until 6pm tea, bath, cuddles and some play until 8.30 then bed and sleeps all night. Cyndi
  • My 1yo sleeps 9.30-11 then 1.30/2-3.30/4. Then bed 7-7. 120mls cows milk at 7, 11 and 5, 3 main meals and a snack at 4. He can’t bare to be 1m away from me so follows what I do. Loves cars and books and pushing things around the house, on the verge of walking. Loves balls and singing and dancing too! Loves the sand, swing and trampoline! Starting to do drawing! Erin
  • 12 month old up between 6-6.30am breakfast at 7am. We play, read, go to the park (also have a 3 yo) with morning tea about 9.30am. Lunch at 11.30 then he has a 180ml bottle then sleeps from about 12-2. Afternoon snack and play til dinner at 5pm. Bath at 6, 240ml bottle, stories then bed at 7. Rochelle
  • My 13 month old son follows a fairly set routine.  He wakes at 6:30am. Play then breakfast at 7:45, bottle at 8:30 and back in bed for morning sleep until 10-10:30. Play until 12 then bottle at 1pm and back in bed for afternoon sleep by 1:30 and sleep until 3. Play until 5:45 then have dinner then bath. Bottle at 6:30 and in bed between 7-7:30. He still has one bottle through the night. Glad to hear others still having a few bottles too. Ree
  • My little boy wakes about 6:45, has a 220ml bottle, plays for about an hour and has toast. After that he plays again, have some oats and yoghurt and then sleep at about 10-10:30 for about 1-2 hrs. Then he plays, has lunch (sandwich and fruit) and then maybe a walk to pick up his sister. Later, they’ll have a snack, play, have dinner around 5-5:30, have a bath, play, have a 220ml bottle and then go to bed at 7 Carolyn
  • My DD wakes around 6, has a 210 ml bottle (so far she isn’t liking cows milk), plays until about 10 30-11 30 then has 2 weet-bix with formula. Then she plays until about 2 30 – 3 30 and then has an hour or so nap. When she wakes up she has a sandwich or fruit, play time until 5 30-6 30, bath time, 210 ml bottle, settle down time then bed between 8-9. Rebecca
  • My one year old’s routine roughly sounds like this: Gets up around a 4.30 /5.00 goes for a nap around 9.30/10 for a couple of hours. Has a bottle in his breakfast cereal as he won’t take to normal milk, has a sandwich for lunch has fruit as snacks and a biscuit, has a bottle with his dinner around 5pm and then off to bed around 7pm. He wakes up normally for a bottle during the night, sometimes 2. When he is sleeping I do things around the house and have a cuppa and when he is awake we play with blocks, that’s his favourite, or just run around. In the arvo we either go to a park or go for a walk. Anita
  • My 15 months old wakes around 6.30-7. Breakfast before 8, first sleep at 9.30-10 for 1.5 hours, lunch play etc. Arvo nap at 2 -3 for 45mins – 1.5 hours. Bed time depends on arvo nap but usually by 7.30. Breast feeding before sleeps and through the night. Nicole
  • My little gem wakes 8-830 and has about 150-170 mls of cows milk in a bottle. Up and play time before weet-bix at about 10. Bed time for morning nap at 1030 for 1-2 hours. Up for a sandwich, water and fruit. Afternoon nap about 3-4pm for 1 hour and dinner, bath and bed at 8pm!! Oh she has a bottle at arvo at nap time and one before bed. Ally

Read more from our expert on what to expect each month

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