
Tag: Caesarean section

Preparing for labour

Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!

Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.

Caesarean - all you need to know

Caesareans – all you need to know

What is a Caesarean section? A Caesarean or C-section is a surgical procedure of giving birth. It involves an obstetrician making a cut into mother’s lower stomach and uterus to …

overdoing it after c section

Overdoing it after a C-section

Q&A: I know everyone heals differently but just curious as to how much/little activity/chores mums did after a c section?

Emergency Caesarean: That moment you are told “You didn’t do it right”

While all experiences of pregnancy are different, most women hope for an uncomplicated birth. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. The gorgeous Belinda shares her story with us today of …

C-sections and developmental delays: what is missing from the conversation

Roughly 300,000 babies are born in Australia each year. Of those births approximately 30%, or 90,000 babies will be born by caesarean section. That is a lot of you who …

preparing for a c section

Prepare for a c section

Prepare for a c section. Mums share their best tips on how to get ready for a c section. Eg high waisted undies, taking it easy, taking your pain control…

when will my milk come in after a c section

When will my milk come in after a C section?

Q&A: When will my milk come in after having a C section?

c-section under general anaesthetic

C-Section under General Anaesthetic

Q&A: What were your experiences with c section under a general anaesthetic?

C-Section Experiences

C-Section Experiences

Parents share their C-section experiences. Tips to be prepared and for recovery from a caesarean from mums who have experienced it

C Section or Natural Birth Which is Better

Q&A: For those Mum’s who have had both a natural labor and a c section, if you could choose, what would you prefer??

VBAC with twins

Has anyone had a twin pregnancy after a singleton c section and been able to try for a vbac?

Numerous C-Sections and Tying Tubes

Q&A: How many c-sections have you had and did you make the decision in conjunction with your doctor? when did you make the decision to have your tubes tied?


Frank Breech Baby – Preparing for Delivery

Q&A: Has anyone had a vaginal frank breech delivery? Was it horrendous and full of intervention?


Hospital Bag for a C-Section

Q&A: Just wondering what people have found essential to pack in their hospital bags for a c section? What little things have you found that makes you most comfortable, heals quicker?

Multiple C-Sections

Q&A: How many c-sections have you had and did you make the decision in conjunction with your doctor and when did you make the decision to have your tubes tied

Advice for Cesarean Section Recovery

Q&A: My friend has just gone through a 23 hour labour resulting in an emergency Cesarean. Her n bub are fine. I’ve never had a c-section so I don’t know what advice to give her about healing and in general getting back to normal everyday life, can anyone give me some advice to give her?

breech natural birth

Does a breech birth mean a caesarean? Midwife tips

Finding out your baby is in a breech position can be frightening and, for some women, disappointing as it means they have to have a caesarean delivery – or do they? Midwife Caroline May explains why many breech babies are delivered by caesar and whether vaginal delivery can remain as one of your options.

vbac experiences

Your Stories: VBAC Experiences

We get a lot of questions from mums who have had a caesarean and would like to attempt a natural (or vaginal) birth next time. So, we have asked three of our regular commenters to share their VBAC experiences with you.

doctor recommends caesarean

Doctor recommended caesarean

Q&A: I went to my doctor today for my checkup. I am currently 38 weeks along. He said to me he would recommend a c section as it is a big baby and because I am small with narrow hips it could make a mess of things if I give birth naturally. As this is my first I am very nervous about a c section and normal delivery, getting a nit anxious. Basically I’m just wondering if anyone else’s situation was similar and what they chose to do as I would rather the safest option for myself and my baby.