
Author: Baby Hints & Tips

General Tips for Baby Sleep

General Tips for Baby Sleep

Q&A: General tips from other parents to help get your baby to sleep

Meal ideas for fussy toddlers

Meal ideas for fussy toddlers

Q&A: Hey ladies, what is your toddlers favourite food for lunch or dinner? I’m just doing my shopping list and looking for food ideas for my 15 month old.

drying up milk supply

Drying up milk supply

Q&A: Help!! I have decided to stop breast feeding. Now im really sore I have been expressing when I can but I had to go out today so it hasnt been done much! My question is what can I do to help with the pain and to stop my milk production?

kitchen cleaning routine

Kitchen cleaning routine

Have more time to play (or even have some time to yourself) with these kitchen cleaning tips

Travel Tips: Carry-on packing list

Terrified of forgetting something crucial for your little one? We have put together the following list to give you an idea of what to take on board for travel with kids. Yes, it looks like a long list but you will be glad to have everything you need mid-flight.

kindergarten readiness

Kindergarten readiness

This list  contains the main skills that your child should have before they are ready to begin their year preceding formal schooling.


Expert Tips – Hypnobirthing

Many people hear the term HypnoBirthing and because they relate hypnosis to the most common form people see – Stage Hypnosis – they don’t really understand what it is or how it could possible help with having a baby.  What follows is a brief explanation of what HypnoBirthing is, how it can help woman wanting a natural, drug-free and intervention-free birth, what is involved in attending a class and how and when is best to do so.

Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Paediatrician Tips: Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Recently, we invited members of our Facebook page to submit questions for Dr Chilton to answer during a timed Q&A sessions. Questions ranged from sleeping issues to cysts on gums. Read on to see Dr Chilton’s response to each of the questions.

bathroom cleaning routine

Bathroom cleaning routine

Have more time to play (or even have some time to yourself) with these bathroom cleaning tips.

Exposing the myths behind breastfeeding

There is so much talk about breastfeeding and its benefits, and there is just as much said against it. It’s easy to become confused and not know what’s true and what’s not. Here are 5 breastfeeding myths exposed.

budgeting tips for families

Budgeting Tips For Families

Tips to help you save money and stay on budget.

Long Distance Travel with Kids

Long Distance Travel with Kids

Expert Tips: Long distance travel with baby or older kids. We have the tips to help make your trip easier

exercise during pregnancy

Expert tips: Exercise during Pregnancy

How to keep motivated to exercise during pregnancy, and exercise tips for each pregnancy stage.

cleaning with your children

Cleaning with your children

Get your children involved in cleaning the house! At the beginning they may not be helpful, however they are distracted while you clean and it wont be long before they are more help

toys for kids travelling on a plane

Travel Tips: Great toy ideas for travelling by plane

A comprehensive list of toys that will help keep your toddler entertained on the plane.

from swaddling to sleeping bag

From Swaddling to Sleeping Bag – Making the Move

If you’re wondering how long to swaddle your baby for, the answer will be different for different babies. It is usually recommended to stop swaddling baby when they start to roll over on their own and are needing their hands/arms to roll themselves back over. Here are some tips to make the move easily.

5 tips to make cleaning easier and quicker

Find some more time to play with the kids (or even to have a cuppa) with these general cleaning tips.

family holiday in Australia

Top Ten Summer Holiday Destinations in Australia

Expert Tips: Travel experts share their top 10 best family holiday destinations in Australia. There will be sure to be something to suit your family.

kids developing through play

Childhood Development: Developing through Play

Decades of research have documented that play has a crucial role in the optimal growth, learning and development of children from infancy through adolescence.

unwanted parenting advice

Dealing with Unwanted Advice

You’re out and about with your new baby, a rare outing in public between feeds.  Your baby feeds like clockwork every three hours so you haven’t sleep more than two …

Medication Tips: Iron Tablets

If you have low iron, your Doctor may recommend taking iron tablets. These are some of the things you need to be aware of before you start taking them.

long haul travel with baby

Long haul travel with a baby

Travel with Tots share the tips they learnt while travelling long distance with their four month old.

post pregnancy exercise

Post Pregnancy Exercise: R.E.S.T.

The key to post pregnancy exercise is REST: Relax, Exercise, Sleep, Time for Mum.

post natal depression and baby massage

Postnatal Depression and Baby Massage

The impact of postnatal depression on mothers is becoming more well-known, but did you know that postnatal depression also affects babies?


parents helping baby development

Toy of the millennium – you!

There are just so many toys nowadays it makes the mind boggle. Well, here’s a little secret: you are the best toy for your baby. Let me explain how you help develop your baby’s brain.

elimination communication

Elimination Communication

There’s been a few questions lately regarding the optimum time to begin potty training and troubles with “traditional” potty training. I’ve noticed that the mere mention of potty training before the traditional age of 2/2.5 brings out a lot of opinions! More often than not the debates revolve around children not being ready to express and control their toileting needs at a young age.

edible playdough

Edible playdough recipe

This is good for younger children, just in case they eat it. Regular playdough contains LOTS of salt. Note that salt is a preservative, so this will not keep as long. It should still last a week or more in an air tight container in the fridge. See the microwave option for a less messy pot.

losing baby weight

Health Tips: Losing the Baby Weight

Tips supplied by losebabyweight.com.au With summer nearly here, it is time to up the anti on your healthy eating and weight loss plans and increase the amount of weight bearing …

Baby Massage – More than just Relaxation

Mmm… Massage. The word instantly conjures up images of lying in a deeply relaxing state, surrounded by gentle music and the light smell of lavender, while being blissfully kneaded until all your worries melt away. Baby massage, however, is much more than that. It can both relax and stimulate. It’s a way of interacting and a way of providing relief.