
Tag: Multiples

Triplets car hack

Triplets car seat hack

Dad, Jake, has had a facebook post go viral with his homemade car divider to separate his triplets in the car

Matching twin names

Twin Names – if you are looking for names for your twins we have a list of matching pair options for you.

pregnant with twins

Tips for mums pregnant with twins

Q&A: My hubby and I have just found out that we are having twins. Needless to say I am terrified! Can anyone offer tips for set up in preparation for them?

breastfeeding twins

Breastfeeding twins

Q&A: Just after some others experience on breastfeeding twins. I was going to go straight to formula but the doctor recommended giving them colostrum what have others done?

Breastfeeding twins it can be done

Breastfeeding twins – tips from a mum who has been there and conquered that. Best tips for breastfeeding twins including mastitis, tongue tie and managing supply

multiple birth association

Expecting multiples? You need the Australian Multiple Birth Association

Discovering you are expecting twins, triplets or more is a surprise and shock to most, even if they were aware there was a chance! Most parents feel a sense of …


Multiple Births – Survival Tips

Practical survival tips for the birth of multiples from a mum of triplets 2 year olds and a 3 year old.

{Expert tips} Sleep and multiples

Expert Tips: by Kylie (Midwife, Child and Maternal Health Nurse, and owner of Beyond the Bump)


Do your Multiples share a room? Cot?

Q&A: Do your Multiples share a cot? and or bedroom? What works for you?

Helpful hints for Mums with Multiples

Q&A: What helpful tips can you offer Mums who are currently pregnant with multiples?

Did you Tandem Feed or Bottle Feed your twins?

Q&A: Did you tandem feed your Twins? Or bottle feed? What worked for you?


Is it OK to dress your twins/triplets in the same clothes?

Q&A: Is it OK to dress your multiples in identical clothes or should they be dressed to be individuals?

toddler with newborn twins

Tips for Looking after Newborn Twins plus Toddler

Q&A: Just after anyones ‘thank god I was told this!’ tips for looking after newborn twins and a toddler who will be almost 2 when they’re born.

naming twins

Is it ok to Give Twins Similar Names?

Q&A: Do you think its OK to name your twins with similar names?


Life with Twins

Q&A: Tell us about your twins!

Settling Issues with Twins

Q&A: My newborn twins are so unsettled and nothing seems to stop them from crying at sleep time. We are now trying to allow them to self settle and they are actually crying less, but I don’t want them to cry at all. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Multiple, Pre-term, Adoptive and Surrogate Babies and Relactating

It might surprise you to know that more women can breastfeed than those who are unable to (for whatever reason). We have the ability to produce enough breast milk for one or more babies at one time, adequately provide for a pre-term baby, potentially relactate after weaning and potentially induce lactation as an adoptive or surrogate mother.