8 Tips for Toddler Taming a Threenager
8 Tips for Toddler Taming – help to manage and improve your toddlers behaviour by trying to understand what is behind their actions
Mum Guilt: Am I A Terrible Mum?
It’s a question that’s kept many a mum up at night. But are you really a terrible mum? How would you know? And what would you about it?
Kids party games: Should there be winners?
There are two schools of thought when it comes to kids party games but where do you stand? Do you prefer to have no winners and no losers or teach …
What is the right age for kids to have sleepovers?
It’s a hot topic around the mum water cooler – what is the right age for kids to be ready have a sleepover? Baby Hints and Tips spoke with Psychologist, …
Teaching your kids about tricky people and how to deal with them
While stranger danger was drilled into you as a child, parents are now encouraged to teach their kids about tricky people and how to deal with them.
Promoting Positive Behaviour with Elf on The Shelf
Do you have a little red fella in your home? Here’s some great tips on promoting positive behaviour with Elf on the Shelf. Naughty and nice. Good and bad. Presents …
Fussy baby in high chair
Q&A: My 6 month old fusses in the high chair sometimes and would much rather be fed solids in my lap. Any tips? Should I keep persisting with the high chair?
Baby prefers others over mum
Q&A: My baby is 10 weeks old and I feel like he doesn’t prefer me to others. I’ve never been overly maternal so I don’t know if he picks up on this! He is breastfed with a formula before bed which his dad feeds him. My Aunty looks after him once a week for a few hours while I shop and it seems he smiles and loves being with her more than me. It has pretty much always been this way, it’s not a stage. Anyone else feel like this?
Throwing food from the high chair
Q&A: My 9 month old baby is going through a stage of throwing food from the high chair to the floor. Does anyone have any gentle ways to discourage this?
3 Year Old Who Hits and Kicks
Community Tips: Parents share their tips for dealing with behaviour in a 3 year old who hits and kicks at their parents.
Positive Behaviour Strategies for Toddlers
Community Tips: Positive Behaviour Strategies for Toddlers. Ideas to manage behaviour like biting, hair pulling and throwing things in an 18 month old
Gentle techniques to discourage baby pinching
My 4 and a half month old has been pinching for a while now, What gentle techniques have you used to discourage this?
Stopping toddler putting hand in nappy
Q&A: Does anyone have ideas how to get my just 2 yr old to stop putting his hands down the back of his nappy and pulling out poo.
Discouraging thumb sucking baby
Q&A: My month old baby has discovered her thumb and putting it in her mouth! Is there any way I can stop her and how can I gently discourage it. She does use a dummy.
First and second child behaviour and sleep differences
Q&A: How did your second child compare to your first child in sleep and behaviour? My older daughter will be 3 when the baby is born.
Baby head banging against the wall
Q&A: My 11 month old DD has just got in to a habit of crawling over to a wall and start banging the back of her head on it.
Sign Language
Q&A: Does anyone use sign language to help with behaviour?
Encouraging Tummy Time
Q&A: What did you do to help encourage your baby during tummy time?
Ditching the Dummy
Q&A: My almost 6 month old fully breast fed baby is waking up to 15 times a night seeking her dummy. She was sleeping through… How do I ditch the dummy??
Toddler Behaviour changes after new baby
Parenting Tips: I have a 2 and 1/2 year old and a 5 week old been having lots and lots of behavioural issues with the eldest since bubs has come along I was expecting issues to a certain extent but what can I do?
Biting whilst Breastfeeding Help
Q&A: My lo is 9months and has started to bite me constantly. He has currently got an ear infection and is teething so he is VERY grumpy to say the least. he has been sleeping poorly at night so we are both exhausted! Its at the point now where I can’t hold him or bf without him biting me really hard (he will bite my arm, neck, shoulder etc anything he can get his mouth on). Was wondering if anyone could offer some tips on how to get through this difficult time as i am starting lose my patience especially when he is constantly hurting me. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated ladies!
Tips for managing your infants biting
Q&A: What is everyone’s experience with biting? My 10 month old has bitten me twice now when he’s really over excited jumping around and bites my shoulder…not sure if he will even understand if I say “no”…?
Does your child shout too much?
Wish your child would learn to use their inside voice? Early childhood educator Jan Jones has some great tips for you.
Guiding Children’s Behaviour
The first step to guiding children’s behaviour is understanding what is behind the unwanted behaviour, but sometimes that is easier said than done. Our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, discusses some of the common causes of bad behaviour, and suggests strategies for helping to develop your child’s coping mechanisms in these situations, and for encouraging new, more positive, behaviours to form.
Tantrums: Our Mums Share Their Tips
Q&A: What do you find helps when dealing with tantrums?
Understanding your child’s behaviour
When children are behaving well, the reasons for their behaviour are very similar. Well-behaved children are happy, engaged and responsive. However, when children are not behaving well the reasons behind this behaviour can be very broad, and can require different reactions from you.