Making the decision to have only one child
Q&A: My husband (38) and I (33) are having mixed feelings about having a second child, our first is 2.5 and we know we do a great job with him but at times struggle.
Dads and Public Toilet Duty
Q&A: What do other fathers do when they are out and about and need to take a 2 year old daughter to a toilet in public?
What chores do your children do?
Q&A: How old are your kids and what jobs do they do around the house?
Is your Child being Bullied at School?
Q&A: HELP!! My son is in year 6 and is still getting bullied (words and physical) by this boy (it’s been happening for a while now)
6 Tips for stress-free children’s Haircuts
When the word ‘haircut’ comes to mind, for most parents it’s the thought of a traumatic experience filled with anxiety for both child and parent. But there is light at …
Mums Avoiding Having Photos with their Children
Q&A: Do you avoid photos with your children because your body/look isn’t everything you want it to be?
Best Piece of Parenting Advice
Q&A: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given since having children?
What age is best for ear piercing?
Q&A: At what age did you get your daughter’s ears pierced? What were the pros and cons of that age and do you wish you had done it sooner or later than you did?
Age Gaps between first and second child
Q&A: What age gaps do you have between your first and second child? What positives did you find with the gap, and what challenges did you have?
Getting older children ready for school routine
Q&A: How do you get older children back into a routine ready for school again?
4 Tips and creative ideas for photographing your child
You don’t have to own a fancy big camera to have a bit of fun and get creative when photographing your kids. You can create some beautiful images that are frame-worthy just by using a few simple techniques. Here are some creative ideas and tips for photographing your children.
Baby Sitting Clubs: What are they?
Do you find that it is difficult to find someone you trust to look after your children? Do you feel guilty asking friends or relatives to baby-sit? Do you feel you often need to pay for a baby-sitter? A baby-sitting club is the ideal way to solve some of these issues.
Coping with an older baby
How have you coped with your baby in the later months, after the newborn stage has passed and your partner (and possibly you) are back at work? Do you sometimes feel like your in a rut and what have you done to overcome these feelings?
{Expert tips} Baby-sitting clubs
Do you find that it is difficult to find someone you trust to look after your children? Do you feel guilty asking friends or relatives to baby-sit? Do you feel you often need to pay for a baby-sitter? A baby-sitting club is the ideal way to solve some of these issues.
Leaving kids in the car at the petrol station
Q&A: When needing to put fuel in your car and you have your child with you what do you do when needing to pay. Take them in with you or leave them in the car. I’ve never been stuck in this situation before and wanting to go out today.
Negativity towards piercing babies ears
Q&A: I’m after some feedback on ear piercing from other mums. My DD will be 3 months old soon and I would like to get her ears pierced, but am concerned other people will react negatively due to her age.
Pets for Toddlers
Q&A: Any suggestions for a pet for a 2 1/2 yr old? Something easy maintenance.. Going to wait till he and his 9 mth old sister are older for a dog but I was thinking a hermit crab? Any other suggestions?
Hot Weather Meals
Q&A: Ok another 40 degree day here and for at least another 3 days to come. What are your favourite recipes for dinner on hot days? I need ideas.
Displaying children’s artwork
Q&A: I’m after some creative ways of displaying my kids artworks?
Cooking with Toddlers
Q&A: What dinners do you like to cook with your toddlers/preschoolers? Our standard is pizzas but would love to try something new, any suggestions?
Just one of those days
Today was one of those days. Where not yelling at the kids (again) seems like a huge achievement and by the time you get to sit down you feel so drained you just stare at the TV but forget to turn it on…
Morning Routine: 10 Tips for Getting your Kids to School
Whether your kids are big or small, getting out the door on time for something can be a hectic experience for all involved. Beat the stress and turn up on time with these great tips by Ngaire from Brisbane Kids.
Managing your Children’s Artworks
We’re almost halfway through first term, and chances are your house is being over run by ‘masterpieces’ from your children. Helen from Clutter Rescue has some fabulous ideas for organising all those beautiful (and not so beautiful) artworks.
Suggestions to organise your day better
Q&A: Do any parents out there have any good suggestions on organising my day better? I feel like I never get anything done! Click for answers from other parents.
Kitchen cleaning routine
Have more time to play (or even have some time to yourself) with these kitchen cleaning tips
Bathroom cleaning routine
Have more time to play (or even have some time to yourself) with these bathroom cleaning tips.
Cleaning with your children
Get your children involved in cleaning the house! At the beginning they may not be helpful, however they are distracted while you clean and it wont be long before they are more help
5 tips to make cleaning easier and quicker
Find some more time to play with the kids (or even to have a cuppa) with these general cleaning tips.