
Tag: Labour and birth

Most comfortable clothing for labour

Q&A: What did you find most comfortable clothing for labour? In all stages? It will just be myself and Hubby in the room with the midwife.

early labour signs

Early Labour Signs – What Does The Start of Labour Feel Like?

Waters breaking, back pain, braxton hicks contractions are some of the pre labour signs experienced by our community. Read about early labour signs here.

Preparing for labour

Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!

Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.

positive natural birth stories

Positive Natural Birth Stories

Community Tips: Parents share their positive natural birth stories for a mum to be who has heard lots of horror stories about child birth

orgasm in labour fact or fiction

Fact or Fiction: Can you orgasm during labour?

We’ve all heard that some women are right in the thick of active labour and then all of a sudden, they orgasm. Deep down most of us call BS, however …

Masturbation during labour

Should I masturbate during childbirth?

‘Would you masturbate during childbirth?’ isn’t something that is commonly asked or considered as a way to manage the pain of delivery, but are there merits to using self stimulation …

Pregnant, Now What? How To Prepare For Birth!

Tips for preparing for birth, from choosing a hospital to be mentally ready.

Raspberry Tea and Pregnancy

Raspberry Leaf Tea – The Pregnancy Aide You’ve Never Heard Of

Q&A: Just wondering at what stage in pregnancy did other mums start drinking raspberry tea and do you believe it helped with your labour?

Epidural Pros and Cons

Epidural Pros and Cons – Understand the Risks and Side Effects.

This article was written by Penny, a registered nurse and midwife with 20 years experience as a nurse and 10 years as a midwife. She is also a mum to …

Braxton HIcks - How to tell if it's braxton hicks or labour

Braxton hicks – how to tell if it’s real labour or just braxton hicks

Q&A: What did Braxton Hicks feel like for you? How do I tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and Real Labour?


Precipitous Labour - When your labour moves too fast

Precipitous Labour – 6 Facts You Need To Know About Rapid Labour

Precipitous Labour is commonly known as fast labour. While that might sound ideal, there can be a number of complications that can make this condition something to be aware of. …

Losing a Mucus Plug - How long between losing your mucus plug and starting labour?

Mucus Plugs – How long after losing a mucus plug will labour start?

Q&A: I’m 37 weeks on Sunday and started to lose my mucus plug last night and again this morning. After seeing the doctor today he thinks bub will be arriving in the next week, how long after losing your plug did you go into labour?

poo during childbirth

What happens if I poo during childbirth? (And other AWK Labour Questions!)

Forget squeezing a baby out of your vagina, what happens if you poo during childbirth? We’ve got the answer to this plus all of your other embarrassing labour concerns covered.

C-sections and developmental delays: what is missing from the conversation

Roughly 300,000 babies are born in Australia each year. Of those births approximately 30%, or 90,000 babies will be born by caesarean section. That is a lot of you who …

Childbirth & going with the flow

Going with the flow – tips for pregnancy and childbirth

For one mumma, going with the flow meant shrugging off mean comments about her size during pregnancy and appreciating that a natural birth isn’t always possible.

Is this Braxton Hicks or real labour

Is this Braxton Hicks or real labour

Mums share how they knew the answer to is this Braxton Hicks or real labour?

inducing labour so FIFO husband can attend labour

Inducing so FIFO husband can attend birth

inducing labour so FIFO husband can attend birth – parents share how they managed when baby was due when FIFO husband rostered to work

baby engaged

How early was your baby engaged?

Q&A: How early did your baby engage and how long after baby engaged did you go into labour?

Birth Stories: What to do when it doesn't go to plan

Birth stories: what to do when it doesn’t go to plan

An intimate birth story about when things don’t go to plan and what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Water birth, labour, birth

Water Birth Experiences

Q&A: Just wondering if I could get some advice on a water birth (not a home water birth). I am just wondering who has opted for this and would love to hear success stories as well as positives and negatives of a water birth

bleeding stop after birth

When did you stop bleeding after birth?

Q&A: When did you stop bleeding after birth?

Was your second baby early or late?

Was your second baby early or late?

Was your second baby early or late? Parents share when their second child was born: early, late or born on their due date.

France with you in labour

Wanting birth partner with you during childbirth

Wanting Your Birth Partner With You During Childbirth: I am 33 weeks in my first pregnancy- my partner thinks he’d be more useful at work than with me in the ‘early’ stages

c-section under general anaesthetic

C-Section under General Anaesthetic

Q&A: What were your experiences with c section under a general anaesthetic?

Epidural Injection

Subsequent epidural injection after failure

Q&A: For my first birth I opted for an epidural and it was unsuccessful (only numbed my legs). I’m due with #2 in a few months and am tossing up whether to have another epidural or not.

Third degree perineal tear

Q&A: I am really in need of some ladies positive stories about how they healed and recovered after 3rd degree perineum tears?

Pain Relief Alternatives To Epidural in Labour

Pain Relief Alternatives To Epidural in Labour

Community Tips: Parents share their experience with pain relief alternatives to epidural including saline injections, TENS machines, gas and showers

dad's role in childbirth

Dad: How to be helpful at your child’s birth!

Dad’s Role in Childbirth – Our resident daddy blogger, Chris, shares a poem about how dad’s role in childbirth

elective induction of labour

Elective induction of labour

Just wondering if anyone has had an elective induction of labour ?   Read midwife tips on induction of labour Positive experiences of induction here I have…my second was an …

TENS machine for pain relief in labour

Q&A: Just wanting to know experiences from people who used the TENS pain relief during labour. Did it work and was it worth it?