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First birthday party Themes

Q&A: What did you do for your baby’s first birthday party?

Childcare: Community Advice

Child care is a very personal decision. You need to decide which option BEST suits you and your child. Here are some hints and tips to make that decision easier.

How to Choose the Best Car Seat

A summary of the recent changes to the child restraint laws, and suggestions on how to choose a car restraint from the huge variety on the market.

toddler calling out and getting out of bed

Calling out and getting out of bed

Tips from other parents to encourage toddlers to stay in bed and go to sleep at bedtime (no more calling out!)

My Son Won’t go to Sleep on His Own

Q&A: My 2yo has got in the habit of not going off to sleep (at night only) unless myself or my partner are in his room, once hes asleep he’ll sleep all night but he just wont go off on his own. I don’t want to do controlled crying or anything similar…any ideas would be appreciated.


General playtime ideas

Q&A: Hi I was just wanting to know if anyone has any cheap fun, educational, fast ideas I can do with my 15mth old. As I’ve got an 8 week old also n I don’t get a lot of time spare but I don’t want her left out either.

Teeth brushing in kids

Brushing your teeth is important to remove bacteria and plaque to prevent both tooth decay and gum disease.   Tooth brushing from an early age is an important part of developing …

vbac experiences

Your Stories: VBAC Experiences

We get a lot of questions from mums who have had a caesarean and would like to attempt a natural (or vaginal) birth next time. So, we have asked three of our regular commenters to share their VBAC experiences with you.

Environmental impact of disposable nappies

It is a common misconception that there is very little difference between disposable and reusable nappies in overall environmental impact.

Kids Chasing Bubbles at a Family Picnic

Free Activities

Suggestions for free activities to do with your kids.

Appetite affected by illness/teething

Q&A: My daughter is 18 months old and for just over a week now she has barely eaten any food. I constantly offer food but she shakes her head and says no even to her favourite meals. She still drinks her bottles with no problem. Any tips? She is cutting 2 big teeth to her bottom gums.

Encouraging fussy eaters

Q&A: My son (nearly 7 months) started solids early so hes been eating pretty well, all home cooked foods etc, but he was pretty sick for a couple of weeks and now he will only eat tinned food, i hate that stuff and would love it he would eat the food i cook for him but everytime i try he just shakes his head and goes crazy. Ive tried mixing it but he seems to know.

Tantrums: Our Mums Share Their Tips

Q&A: What do you find helps when dealing with tantrums?

Problems with Toilet Training

You’ve started toilet training but your toddler just isn’t getting it, or they had it and lost it – what do you do now? Parents share their hints and tips for getting through this speed bump.

starting toilet training

Starting Toilet Training

Parents share how they knew their child was ready to toilet train and how they got started.

Methods of Toilet Training

Parents share how they approached toilet training with their kids.

{RECIPE} Snacks the kids will love

Included recipes: Banana and Berry Muffins, Pancakes, Muesli Slice, Yummy Easy Biscuits

indoor activities

Indoor Activities

Indoor play activity suggestions from other parents:

budgeting tips

Budgeting and Money Saving Tips

Q&A: Budgeting tips from other parents.

When to start toothpaste with kids - Baby Hints and Tips


Our community share their experience about when they started using toothpaste on their kids teeth and which toothpaste they chose.

Modern Cloth Nappies

Q&A: Which modern cloth nappies have mcl nappy mums found the best? Did you use them from newborn? Any other helpful hints and tips for cloth nappy care?

Which wrap?

Q&A: What did you use to wrap your bub and would you recommend it?

How Long Should I Keep Wrapping My Baby?

Q&A: How long did you wrap your baby?

frequent waking in babies

Frequent Waking in Babies

Q&A: My three month old will only sleep for short bursts during the day, usually about 40 minutes. What can I do to encourage him to sleep longer?

I’m after some advice on sleeping. My 4 month old has previously been a really good sleeper at night until 3 nights ago. He only used to wake two or three times. Tonight he is waking every 2 hours. Dont know why. Anyone else had this?

bore your baby to sleep

Colic? Bore your baby to sleep!

Expert tips: Does colic actually exist? Dr Howard Chilton shares his expert opinion, and it might surprise you!

Postpartum Doulas – What do they do?

Have you ever heard of a postpartum Doula? Samantha Birch explains exactly what they do and how they could benefit you.

What can a Doula do at Your Birth?

What is a doula and why do you want one?

General Complaints in Pregnancy

Q&A: What discomforts did you face in pregnancy and how did you overcome them?

Reflux in Pregnancy: General Tips

Reflux occurs in two thirds of all pregnant women and can be very unpleasant! Here are some tips from other mums about how they dealt with it.


Colic. Will Infants Friend or Infacol work

Q&A: Any tips for colic? just found out my 8 week old daughter has it… Shes been really unsettled all today and only wants to be craddles By me, laying her down on her back seems to unsettle her… Tried panadol worked a little.. But not much. does infacol help soooooo tired!