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Contraception options and tips from other parents.

Parenting and pregnancy abbreviations

This is a list of some abbreviations commonly used by parents online.

terrible twos

Terrible twos

Q&A: How did you deal with the ‘terrible twos’?

Sibling Jealousy after the Arrival of New Baby

Q&A: Did you do anything to help your child cope with the arrival of a new baby? Did they cope well? Any tips?

Moving from a cot to a bed

Q&A: How did you know your child was ready to move from a cot to a bed, and how did you do it?

co-sleeping experiences

Co-sleeping – yes or no?

Q&A: Did you Co-sleep? Why or why not?

Teeth grinding

Q&A: Did your child grind their teeth? What helped?

baby reflux

Reflux in babies

Q&A: What are your best tips for other parents with babies with reflux, what worked for you, what doesn’t help?? How old was your baby when diagnosed and when did it resolve?

Nappy rash

Q&A: Does anyone have some tips for a really bad nappy rash that seems to come and go but when it comes out rather nasty (red all over, with red dots and can be nasty looking in some spots)

baby sign language

Baby sign language

People that use baby sign language, what age did you start teaching them to sign?

what age did your child meet milestones

Baby Milestones

Q&A: What age did your baby reach milestones like rolling, crawling, walking, sleeping through the night, first tooth etc?

Tips for Travelling with Toddlers

Parent Tips: General travel tips from other parents

Modern cloth nappy review

Cloth Nappies – Which ones?

Q&A: I am thinking of swapping from disposable nappies to cloth nappies. Can I please get some advice on them ie do they work as good as disposables, which brands are best, which liners are best, how to clean them & expense.

Cloth or disposable nappies?

Q&A: Do you use cloth or disposable nappies?

Newborn Drinking Milk

Best formula for reflux?

Q&A: I’ve just found out my baby has reflux – is there a formula that is better for them?

Dealing with low supply

Q&A: My son is 11 weeks old I’m breast feeding and in the last couple of days I haven’t been feeling my breasts fill up like normal, usually they noticeably fill up! He has been feeding more often since yesterday, I’m guessing that is just another growth spurt but it has been a couple of days that I have noticed them not filling up so I know it’s not due to him feeding more often. So what I’m wondering Is, is my milk supply getting low? Has this happened to anyone else?

how to swaddle baby

Wrapping and swaddling

Q&A: Did you wrap your baby? Did it help them sleep better?

Methods to improve babies’ reversed sleep cycles

Q&A: What method helped improve your baby’s reversed sleep cycles? (Include baby’s age at the time)

baby rolling while wrapped or swaddled

Rolling while wrapped

Q&A: My 5 month old son today discovered that he can roll in his cot. The only problem is he won’t sleep unwrapped.. I went in there after he didn’t fall asleep 5 minutes after putting down to discover him was still wrapped and on his tummy. I then put him in again unwrapped and discovered he had wriggled all the way to the top of his cot lying quite awkwardly. I’ve been trying to have him wrapped with one arm out for a while but it doesn’t work.

Crying every time in the car

Q&A: My 2 week and 3 day old son! Every time we go in the car he starts crying gets himself all worked up!

Suggestions to organise your day better

Q&A: Do any parents out there have any good suggestions on organising my day better? I feel like I never get anything done! Click for answers from other parents.

what you wish you knew before baby was born

What do you wish you had known before baby was born?

Parents share what they have learnt since having kids, that would have made the start of the journey easier.

what happens when your waters break

What happens when your waters break

What happened when your waters broke? Any dramatic stories when out and about?

doctor recommends caesarean

Doctor recommended caesarean

Q&A: I went to my doctor today for my checkup. I am currently 38 weeks along. He said to me he would recommend a c section as it is a big baby and because I am small with narrow hips it could make a mess of things if I give birth naturally. As this is my first I am very nervous about a c section and normal delivery, getting a nit anxious. Basically I’m just wondering if anyone else’s situation was similar and what they chose to do as I would rather the safest option for myself and my baby.

what were your early labour symptoms

Signs of labour starting?

Q&A: How did you know that your labour had started?

how to bring on labour

Tips to bring on labour

Q&A: I’m two days past my due date and completely over it – it feels like this baby is never going to come! Did anyone manage to bring on their labour at home? Any suggestions?

Bloody show/Mucous Plug

Q&A: Yesterday I went to the toilet and there was clear jelly like discharge and last week I had that as well. But today there was a clump around the size of a 20 cent piece of light pink discharge, which I’m guessing was my bloody show. My question is how long after everyone had their bloody show did you go into labour?

what does labour feel like

What labour feels like

Q&A: I’m 3 days overdue with my first, just wondering how you would best describe a contraction or how did you feel when you first went into labour?

membrane sweeps

Membrane sweeps at 40 weeks pregnant

Q&A: I’ll be 40 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my midwife will be doing a membrane sweep when I see her Tuesday. Does anyone have stories to share for, ie if the sweep helped to bring on labour? I know it does depend on the person, just need something to keep me going!!

what should I carry in my nappy bag

What should I carry in my nappy bag?

Q&A: What should I carry in my nappy bag?