When and How to Introduce Cow’s Milk to a Baby
Q&A: What age did your LO go from BF/FF to cows milk? How did you do it? Part transition? Bottle or sippy cup? Any issues?
Dream feeds
What are dream feeds, what benefits are their for baby sleep and parents sleep. Learn how to do a dream feed for your baby
My breastfeeding journey was different each time
Breastfeeding can be hard. What I never realised though was that my struggles and my breastfeeding journey would be different with each baby. The first time breastfeeding I remember going …
How to get baby to take bottle
Q&A: I breast feed my 14week old son. I express milk for him and now he won’t take it from a bottle. How do I get him to take a bottle again?
Preparing Bottles for Formula
Q&A: How do mums go about preparing bottles for formula? Originally I air dried after sterilising and used boiled bottled water from the fridge (my kettle takes hours to cool down).
Heating and storing expressed breastmilk
Q&A: I would like to know after you have expressed breast milk what is best method for heating and storing expressed breast milk. Where is best place to store it? And what are the preferred heating methods?
When did you stop sterilising Dummies and Bottles
Q&A: When did you stop sterilizing bottles and dummies.
Dads and Newborns: How To Connect
If you’re a brand new Dad finding it difficult to connect with your newborn, you’re not alone. It’s an extremely common way to feel in the first month or two, …
Breastfeeding after Breast Reduction
Q&A: How do mums go breast feeding after previously having breast reduction surgery?
Mix feeding for a student mum
Parenting Tip: I’m due to have my 3rd baby soon, its been 5 years since I’ve had a new born. Just wondering if anyone has advice on how to breastfeed and give formula
Moving from Breastfeeding to Formula
Parenting Tips: Parents share their experience on switching from breastmilk to formula and the challenges involved
Coping with being unable to Breastfeed
Just wondering how other mums handled feeling like a failure for not being able to breast feed? It was really important to me but due to poor supply I have …
Returning to work after baby
Parent Tips: Parents share their best advice for returning to work after baby and maternity leave. Especially tips for routine, doing household chores etc
Did you Tandem Feed or Bottle Feed your twins?
Q&A: Did you tandem feed your Twins? Or bottle feed? What worked for you?
Dangers of adding Farex to bottles
Q&A: Has anyone got any references or information on the dangers of adding farex to a bottle?
Choosing not to breastfeed from birth
Q&A: Due to certain issues that I have, I am choosing not to breastfeed when my baby is born
Exhausted with exclusive expressing
Q&A: So my question is have you stopped expressing and been happy with your decision or have you looked back and wished you had kept going?
Breastfed vs Formula: Mums Advice
Q&A Breast versus formula has been long debated, what’s your thoughts? In this day and age is one really better than the other?
When to stop sterilising Baby items
Q&A: Just wondering when everyone stops sterilising bottles? I have always done it till they stop having them but have heard that the health nurses are saying after 6months.
Mix Feeding – Breast and Bottle
Q&A: I am pregnant with number 3. I have discussed with my Dr, my midwives and my partner and due to our health and family circumstances we would like to combine feed. Just looking for advice from others who have done this and how they did it, and what they found worked and didn’t.
Reasons to express breastmilk
Expressing breastmilk isn’t always easy, with many mums finding they can only express a small amount, or that it takes a long time to get the amount you need. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC shares why expressing may be beneficial, and how you can tackle some of the common issues mums face.
Expressing breastmilk quicker
Q&A: I’m a ftm with 9 day old dd. I’m struggling with breast feeding, I’m expressing atm as she’s destroyed my nipples from not attaching properly. I find it takes me hrs to express. It’s an electric advent, I aim to get 70ml for her feeds, this can take from 45min to 2 hrs. My breasts seem very full, and have tried expressing at different times of the day, it doesn’t seem to make much difference. Does any mums out there have n e suggestions on how to speed up the expressing process please as it’s all I seem to b doing atm, I’ve also got some formula as sometimes I just can’t keep up with her feeds.
Negative Comments about your Parenting Decisions
Q&A: How have you dealt with negative comments made about the important decisions you as parents have made (eg circumcision, ear piercing or baptism) from family and friends who ‘know it all’?
Ria’s Breastfeeding Story
Ria shares her amazing breastfeeding story – infection, mastitis, abscess, and her son is only five months old!
Baby Steps: Got Milk?
Sometimes breastfeeding doesn’t work out how we expect. Louise shares her experience.
Helpful Tips Formula feeding
Parents Tips: Formula feeding tips and advice from other parents to help you with feeding your baby.
Which baby formula is closest to breast milk?
Q&A: Hi mums, can you recommend a formula to use? Did I read on here that nan ha gold was closest to bm? There are too many to choose from and I know I may need to try a few before I find a suitable one. thanks.
My Baby Will Not Take the Bottle
Q&A: HELP! returning to work in 1.5 wks, full time, and breastfed 5 mth old refuses a bottle, tried expressed and formula and diff teets, even starved her for a day in a desperate attempt. been trying for 5 wks …. any suggestions? have started to intro solids and water to get her thru day but doesn’t take much, will have water out of sippy cup but if I put any milk in she turns away.