Keeping your baby on their back in bed
Q&A: Any tips on how you managed to keep your child on their back for sleep time once they started to roll.
Save Our Sleep -how long did it take
Q&A: For parents who have successfully followed Tizzy Hall’s SOS routines for sleep, how long until you saw these “magical results” and how did you keep yourself determined to follow through and see out the end? I’m very easily swayed to giving in and need some helpful tips and encouragement to keep my foot down.
Controlled Crying
There often seems to be a lot of confusion about what ‘controlled crying’ is (as opposed to ‘crying it out’ and ‘attachment settling’). Here we explain what it actually is, and other parents share their experience of using it.
Cat napping
Q&A: Is catnapping normal? Do you resettle or get them up? How do you get them to sleep longer?
Which wrap?
Q&A: What did you use to wrap your bub and would you recommend it?
How Long Should I Keep Wrapping My Baby?
Q&A: How long did you wrap your baby?
Frequent Waking in Babies
Q&A: My three month old will only sleep for short bursts during the day, usually about 40 minutes. What can I do to encourage him to sleep longer?
I’m after some advice on sleeping. My 4 month old has previously been a really good sleeper at night until 3 nights ago. He only used to wake two or three times. Tonight he is waking every 2 hours. Dont know why. Anyone else had this?
Colic? Bore your baby to sleep!
Expert tips: Does colic actually exist? Dr Howard Chilton shares his expert opinion, and it might surprise you!
Colic. Will Infants Friend or Infacol work
Q&A: Any tips for colic? just found out my 8 week old daughter has it… Shes been really unsettled all today and only wants to be craddles By me, laying her down on her back seems to unsettle her… Tried panadol worked a little.. But not much. does infacol help soooooo tired!
Co-sleeping – yes or no?
Q&A: Did you Co-sleep? Why or why not?
Wrapping and swaddling
Q&A: Did you wrap your baby? Did it help them sleep better?
Methods to improve babies’ reversed sleep cycles
Q&A: What method helped improve your baby’s reversed sleep cycles? (Include baby’s age at the time)
Rolling while wrapped
Q&A: My 5 month old son today discovered that he can roll in his cot. The only problem is he won’t sleep unwrapped.. I went in there after he didn’t fall asleep 5 minutes after putting down to discover him was still wrapped and on his tummy. I then put him in again unwrapped and discovered he had wriggled all the way to the top of his cot lying quite awkwardly. I’ve been trying to have him wrapped with one arm out for a while but it doesn’t work.
General Tips for Baby Sleep
Q&A: General tips from other parents to help get your baby to sleep
From Swaddling to Sleeping Bag – Making the Move
If you’re wondering how long to swaddle your baby for, the answer will be different for different babies. It is usually recommended to stop swaddling baby when they start to roll over on their own and are needing their hands/arms to roll themselves back over. Here are some tips to make the move easily.
Midwife Tips: Co-Sleeping
An introduction to co-sleeping, and why it isn’t necessarily ‘bed sharing’.