Tattoo’s and Breastfeeding
What r people’s experiences with tattoo’s and breastfeeding? I’m wanting to get a couple small tattoo’s and am curious to know if ur buns behavior was different or unsettled? I …
Did you Tandem Feed or Bottle Feed your twins?
Q&A: Did you tandem feed your Twins? Or bottle feed? What worked for you?
Coping with Mastitis
Q&A: I have mastitis and have been on antibiotics for a day and a half now. Can anyone give me advice on how to get rid of it quickly. How long does mastitis last for?
Mini-Pill and Breastfeeding
Q&A: Just looking for other mums experiences with taking the mini pill n EBFing
Exhausted with exclusive expressing
Q&A: So my question is have you stopped expressing and been happy with your decision or have you looked back and wished you had kept going?
Breastfed vs Formula: Mums Advice
Q&A Breast versus formula has been long debated, what’s your thoughts? In this day and age is one really better than the other?
What guarantees breastfeeding success?
About 95% of mothers want to breastfeed their babies however, by the time their baby is 3 months of age many are mix feeding or have stopped breastfeeding ….so how can women be more informed, more prepared to give themselves the best chance at success?
Biting whilst Breastfeeding Help
Q&A: My lo is 9months and has started to bite me constantly. He has currently got an ear infection and is teething so he is VERY grumpy to say the least. he has been sleeping poorly at night so we are both exhausted! Its at the point now where I can’t hold him or bf without him biting me really hard (he will bite my arm, neck, shoulder etc anything he can get his mouth on). Was wondering if anyone could offer some tips on how to get through this difficult time as i am starting lose my patience especially when he is constantly hurting me. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated ladies!
The Co-Sleeping Debate and the Benefits of Infant-Parent Proximity
Read more about safe cosleeping and the benefits it can have for you and your baby.
Experiences with infant lip tie
Q&A: What were peoples experiences with having an upper lip tie cut? Was it more traumatic for mum or bub? I hate the thought of bub’s next needles let alone anything else. How was their bubs recovery? What were they like once it was done regarding breastfeeding? Did you notice an improvement? I’m worried bub will find it really painful and be distraught for a long time.
Period returning after having baby
Q&A: When did your periods return after having your baby? If you breastfed, were you still breastfeeding and how often? If you had stopped, how long had it been? See responses from other parents.
Grandparents and Breastfeeding support
Are grandparents between a rock and a hard place when a baby arrives? Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC explains how they can be involved, without being in the way.
Partners – Can they help with breastfeeding?
Partners are keen to help but may be unsure of how to, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. If either or both the baby’s grandparents are helping with household chores and cooking, partners may feel further displaced about their role while at home. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC provides some tips about how partners can be more involved with your newborn.
Mix Feeding – Breast and Bottle
Q&A: I am pregnant with number 3. I have discussed with my Dr, my midwives and my partner and due to our health and family circumstances we would like to combine feed. Just looking for advice from others who have done this and how they did it, and what they found worked and didn’t.
Reasons to express breastmilk
Expressing breastmilk isn’t always easy, with many mums finding they can only express a small amount, or that it takes a long time to get the amount you need. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC shares why expressing may be beneficial, and how you can tackle some of the common issues mums face.
Breastfeeding issues and the unexpected
Breastfeeding is the physiologically normal way to feed and nurture our babies. Without the opportunity to watch and learn at the fireside from our mothers and other women as our ancestors did, it’s understandable that unexpected outcomes and issues with breastfeeding and settling can bewilder many breastfeeding mothers.
Expressing breastmilk quicker
Q&A: I’m a ftm with 9 day old dd. I’m struggling with breast feeding, I’m expressing atm as she’s destroyed my nipples from not attaching properly. I find it takes me hrs to express. It’s an electric advent, I aim to get 70ml for her feeds, this can take from 45min to 2 hrs. My breasts seem very full, and have tried expressing at different times of the day, it doesn’t seem to make much difference. Does any mums out there have n e suggestions on how to speed up the expressing process please as it’s all I seem to b doing atm, I’ve also got some formula as sometimes I just can’t keep up with her feeds.
Baby’s Arrival – How breastfeeding myths can affect you and your baby
The arrival of your new baby is an exciting and joyous event but it often comes with many people offering advice about breastfeeding. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC explores two common myths about breastfeeding that are often offered as ‘advice’.
Lactation Cookie Recipe
Hey, just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a good lactation cookie recipe and if they can be frozen (either cooked or uncooked). I’d like to make some …
Foods to avoid when Breastfeeding
Q&A: Were there any foods you had to avoid while breastfeeding? How did you handle the restrictions when you were out and about?
Ria’s Breastfeeding Story
Ria shares her amazing breastfeeding story – infection, mastitis, abscess, and her son is only five months old!
The day thrush came to stay
I ignored a thrush infection on my nipple, and it decided to take up residence in my milk ducts. For a month.
I’m on empty! I need more milk!… Or do I?
Expert Tips: Lactation consultant shares tips on how to know if you have low milk supply and how to increase milk supply
I have one word for you: Enough
2013 is a time to stop worrying about judging other parents and start supporting their choices. Its time to end the debate about whether or not mothers can or should be able to feed in public. Or from a bottle. Or in high traffic areas as opposed to ‘out of the way’. Or while standing on their head, for that matter…
Good Posture during Feeding Baby
Lorraine from PregnancyExercise gives us some pointers on preventing the dreaded neck and back pain when feeding our bubs.
When does breastfeeding become easier?
Q&A: Hi there, just wanted to know how long it takes for breastfeeding to feel ‘normal’? I have had so many issues including cracked and blistered nipples, thrush, vascospasm, red and inflamed nipples. I have fixed my bubs attachment. Bub will be 6 weeks on Monday and I just want it all to get better!!!
Contraception options and tips from other parents.
Helpful Tips for Breastfeeding
Parent Tips: Helpful Hints for Breastfeeding
Best tips for Feeding your baby
Parent Tips: Describe the best tip you have for feeding your baby.
Exposing the myths behind breastfeeding
There is so much talk about breastfeeding and its benefits, and there is just as much said against it. It’s easy to become confused and not know what’s true and what’s not. Here are 5 breastfeeding myths exposed.