
Search Results for: sleep

Surprise pregnancy after cheating support

Q&A: I’m 18 weeks + 3days pregnant due on 14 Nov. My Bf and I have been trying for over 2 years, on the 15th of Feb I slept with a different guy but we used protection.

The Walking Hour

Being a Mama is a tough job. It changes us, and challenges us and often leaves us feeling a little bit shell-shocked. Amy Taylor-Kabbaz shares what she has discovered and how important our sense of worth is.


Terminating a Pregnancy Choices

Q&A: I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with our second child and discussed with my dr today possibly terminating the pregnancy


Hospital Bag for a C-Section

Q&A: Just wondering what people have found essential to pack in their hospital bags for a c section? What little things have you found that makes you most comfortable, heals quicker?


Coping with Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Q&A: Any advice on how to better cope with Hyperemesis Gravidarum?


Exhausted with exclusive expressing

Q&A: So my question is have you stopped expressing and been happy with your decision or have you looked back and wished you had kept going?

Helping Baby with a flat spot on head

Q&A: My 15 week old keeps sleeping on his back with his head facing the same side. I try and face his head the other way so he doesn’t get a flat spot but each night he just positions himself back on his favourite side. He is facing the wall he is next to in the bassinet so it’s not like he’s facing me in bed. Anyone else with the same problem? What did you do?


Life with Twins

Q&A: Tell us about your twins!

ditiching the dummy

Ditching the Dummy

Q&A: My almost 6 month old fully breast fed baby is waking up to 15 times a night seeking her dummy. She was sleeping through… How do I ditch the dummy??

Toddler Behaviour changes after new baby

Parenting Tips: I have a 2 and 1/2 year old and a 5 week old been having lots and lots of behavioural issues with the eldest since bubs has come along I was expecting issues to a certain extent but what can I do?

best piece of parenting advice

Best Piece of Parenting Advice

Q&A: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given since having children?

Ear piercing

What age is best for ear piercing?

Q&A: At what age did you get your daughter’s ears pierced? What were the pros and cons of that age and do you wish you had done it sooner or later than you did?

Printable Mother’s Day coupons

Not sure what to get Mum for Mother’s Day? What about a book of coupons that gives the gift of your time and attention (what could be better than that!). We have free printable Mother’s Day coupons ready to print, cut and staple, as well as a blank version in case you want to write your own.

what mums want

What Mothers want on Mothers’ Day

Mothers’ Day is important and special and a fantastic opportunity to show the wonderful mum in your life just how much you love and appreciate her. So what exactly do mums want on Mothers’ Day?

What guarantees breastfeeding success?

About 95% of mothers want to breastfeed their babies however, by the time their baby is 3 months of age many are mix feeding or have stopped breastfeeding ….so how can women be more informed, more prepared to give themselves the best chance at success?

Newborn routine

Q&A: I have been told to follow the routine feed play sleep.. My ds is 5 weeks and many times he will fall asleep whilst feeding. Should I be waking him up to play or do I let him take the lead? Anyone else had this happen and what did you do?

Where to get circumcised in Australia

Q&A: I’m looking for doctor recommendations around Australia for circumcision. My husband wants our new son circumcised but we live in a state that won’t do it until baby is 1. I don’t want people’s opinions on it, I’m looking for recommendations only, from people who have used a good doctor. Willing to travel anywhere to see a good doctor with a good procedure

Transition from Bassinet to Cot

Transition from Bassinet to Cot

Q&A: Does anyone have any advice for the transition from bassinet to cot for a 4 month old?

Biting whilst Breastfeeding Help

Q&A: My lo is 9months and has started to bite me constantly. He has currently got an ear infection and is teething so he is VERY grumpy to say the least. he has been sleeping poorly at night so we are both exhausted! Its at the point now where I can’t hold him or bf without him biting me really hard (he will bite my arm, neck, shoulder etc anything he can get his mouth on). Was wondering if anyone could offer some tips on how to get through this difficult time as i am starting lose my patience especially when he is constantly hurting me. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated ladies!

Miscarriage – What did friends/family do that helped?

Q&A: What did family/friends do that helped? Was there anything that didn’t help or made you feel worse?

Age Gaps between first and second child

Q&A: What age gaps do you have between your first and second child? What positives did you find with the gap, and what challenges did you have?

Toddlers and Car Trips

Q&A: Car trips! How do you keep your toddler entertained on long car rides? We’ve just spent 4 hours in the car & I have a headache from all the ‘chatter’! Lol. I did all the right things, stable table, colouring books, reading books & food yet we’re STILL bored!

Shifting Baby Weight

Q&A: What worked for you to shift the baby weight?


Advice for Cesarean Section Recovery

Q&A: My friend has just gone through a 23 hour labour resulting in an emergency Cesarean. Her n bub are fine. I’ve never had a c-section so I don’t know what advice to give her about healing and in general getting back to normal everyday life, can anyone give me some advice to give her?

moving toddler from cot to bed

Transitioning your Toddler from a Cot to a Bed

Tips from parents: How old was your little one when you transitioned them from a cot to a bed? What worked for you? What’s your best tip for making it as hassle free as possible?

Tips for managing your infants biting

Q&A: What is everyone’s experience with biting? My 10 month old has bitten me twice now when he’s really over excited jumping around and bites my shoulder…not sure if he will even understand if I say “no”…?

School Routine

Q&A: What is your routine for school and how do you stick to it?


Can Babies really manipulate you?

Q&A: Can babies really manipulate you so to speak?

Circumcision Custom

Circumcision Details

Q&A: Parents share their advice and thoughts on deciding should I circumcise my baby

Studying while still trying to be the perfect stay at home mum.

Kristin shares her ten tips for balancing study with motherhood.