
Author: Baby Hints & Tips


Best Stroller for Travelling with a Toddler

We will be traveling overseas with a 17month old in January. What is the best stroller for travelling and what do you recommend?  We bought one of these, it could …


Tantrums in a two year old

Tips for dealing with your 2 year olds tantrums – parents share their best tips for behaviour management for when children do not get what they want


Spring Cleaning Challenge

Welcome to our Spring Clean Challenge!

Clean your kids rooms

A thorough clean out of your children’s rooms will make them much easier to keep clean. Start at the top and work down. Make sure to dust with a damp …

Gift ideas for First Time Dads!

Q&A: What gift suggestions do you have for the new First Time Dads this year?

Gifts for special men in our kids lives

Q&A: What gift suggestions do you have for the other special Men in our kids lives? Step Dads/ Uncles?

Gifts for Poppys with lots of grandkids

Q&A: What gift suggestions do you have for Granddads/Poppy’s with lots of grandies?

Gift Ideas for Dad with more than one child

Q&A: What gift suggestions do you have for the Dad with more than one child this year? A group present or one from each child?

Gift Ideas for First time Grandads

Q&A: What gift suggestions do you have for the First time Poppy’s/Granddads this year?

When did you experience Braxton Hicks?

How early did you experience Braxton Hicks?

Gestational Diabetes Healthy Snacks

Q&A: I have just been told I have gestational diabetes and am on diet control. Was wondering if any mum have some healthy snack ideas that I can use

6 week immunisation

6 Week Immunisation – Preparing for Babies Needles

Q&A: My DD is getting her 6 week needles this afternoon. Do any mums out there have any suggestions to make bubs more comfortable if she is unsettled after her needles?

One Mummy’s reminder for other mums with Newborns

Parent Tips: Thanks, Eryn, for the wonderful reminder to all our mums with newborns.

How far along in your pregnancy were you before you shared your news?

Q&A: How far along were you in your pregnancy before you told your mum/dad/sister/brother?

Names suggestions for Twins

Q&A: Today we want to hear your ideas for names for twins. Boy/boy, girl/girl or girl/boy twins. Also love to hear what you called your twins

New Baby in Blended Family

Community Tips: Parents share their tips for new baby in a blended family.

Teething can be horrible for Babies AND Parents!

Q&A: Teething can be a horrible time for both babies and parents, what are some ways you have helped your bub through this?

returning to work after baby

Returning to work after baby

Parent Tips: Parents share their best advice for returning to work after baby and maternity leave. Especially tips for routine, doing household chores etc

Sign Language

Q&A: Does anyone use sign language to help with behaviour?


Smoking and Breastfeeding

Q&A: I’m a first time mum and I’m currently 38 Weeks, I still haven’t decided if I’m going to breast feed due to me being a smoker. Does anyone out there smoke & bf?

Surviving the last few weeks of pregnancy

Q&A: your tips on how you struggled and how you survived the last few weeks of your pregnancy…

Tattoo’s and Breastfeeding

What r people’s experiences with tattoo’s and breastfeeding? I’m wanting to get a couple small tattoo’s and am curious to know if ur buns behavior was different or unsettled? I …

Baby Shower Costs and Advice

Q&A: When holding a baby shower at a venue that provides meals at a cost e.g. high tea, do u ask everyone to pay and still provide a present? It cant be held at my house or relatives houses due to space?

Encouraging baby to sleep while out and about

Q&A: How do u get your bub to sleep while we are out? He’s needs wrapping & put in a dark room.(8mo)

Sleep regression

Sleep Regression

Question: At what age/s did your child have a sleep regression? How long did it take to resolve, and what did you do to fix it?

considering adoption

Considering Adoption Advice

Q&A: Has anyone adopted? How did you find the process?

Wrapping Children in Cotton Wool

Wrapping Children in Cotton Wool

Q&A: How do you approach this with your children? Do you try to protect them from potential spills, or do you think they are just a normal part of growing up?

When did you move baby out of your room into their own

When did you move baby out of your room into their own

Q&A: What should i do? keep her in or move her out into her cot? she’s a swaddled back sleeper, but is she getting too old for being in my room??


Pregnancy Apps

Q&A: Anyone have any recommendations for apps for trying to conceive and/or for pregnancy?

Stretch and Sweeps – Are they painful?

Q&A: Stretch and sweeps are they painful?