
Author: Baby Hints & Tips

Comforter types

Q&A:  Does your child have a sleep toy/blanket? What is it and did it improve their sleep?

Dealing with New Parent Anxiety

Dealing with New Parent Anxiety

Q&A: How did you deal with the anxiety of being a parent with your new baby?

{Expert tips} Sleep and multiples

Expert Tips: by Kylie (Midwife, Child and Maternal Health Nurse, and owner of Beyond the Bump)

Feeding Babies Soy

Q&A: I was wondering if anyone has had to do the same and if so ideas on food or brands ect I can give him

What did you do in the early stages of Labour?

Q&A: How did you deal with early labour? Any tips for keeping your mind distracted or dealing with those early contractions for our mums-to-be? Any funny stories to share? I got a friend to braid my hair for no. 3 because I wanted one post-labour photo without my hair in an absolute mess!

Weightloss after pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy tips

Q&A: What have people done to successfully lose their baby weight?

Newborn with a Toddler Routine

Community Tips: Newborn with a Toddler Routine – parents share their experience with finding the best routine for their new baby and a toddler.


Do your Multiples share a room? Cot?

Q&A: Do your Multiples share a cot? and or bedroom? What works for you?


Getting baby to sleep past 5am

Q&A: I’m looking for some ideas to help my 9mo dd to sleep past 5am as I’m about to go back to work.


Natural Cough Fighting Remedies

Q&A: Does anyone know any natural tricks or remedies for relieving a cough, specifically a long term cough in a little one?

Weight Loss Green Road Sign Against Light Cloudscape Sky

Lose Baby Weight

Q&A: We had the lovely Rhian with us to answer our readers questions

Helpful hints for Mums with Multiples

Q&A: What helpful tips can you offer Mums who are currently pregnant with multiples?

Did you Tandem Feed or Bottle Feed your twins?

Q&A: Did you tandem feed your Twins? Or bottle feed? What worked for you?

Falling Pregnant after a stillbirth

Mums share their experiences with falling pregnant after a stillbirth. Mums share how long it took to fall pregnant after a stillbirth ad how the pregnancy went.

The Reality of Motherhood.

Q&A: I wonder if any other people felt like this and whether it passes?


Is it OK to dress your twins/triplets in the same clothes?

Q&A: Is it OK to dress your multiples in identical clothes or should they be dressed to be individuals?

Transitioning your baby into childcare

Q&A: What is the best way to transition her into daycare?


Dangers of adding Farex to bottles

Q&A: Has anyone got any references or information on the dangers of adding farex to a bottle?


Sperm Donor: Dealing with the Questions

Q&A: When it comes to questions down the line from others about how much the baby looks like me when I didn’t carry, what would you say?


Choosing not to breastfeed from birth

Q&A: Due to certain issues that I have, I am choosing not to breastfeed when my baby is born


Ultimate advice for starting solids

Q&A: What is your ultimate piece of advice for our mums about to start solids?

What did you do for your child’s First Birthday?

Q&A: Tell us what you did for your children’s 1st Birthday

When and How did you start teaching your baby NO?

How to Start Teaching your Baby NO?

Q&A: When would you/did you start gently teaching your baby no and how?

Dad visiting son after separation

Q&A: I have a 6 month old son. His father and I are separated. His dad makes no effort to be involved in his life. But had recently asked to have him every fortnight. I dont feel comfortable leaving my son with him at all at his age

Making the decision to have only one child

Q&A: My husband (38) and I (33) are having mixed feelings about having a second child, our first is 2.5 and we know we do a great job with him but at times struggle.

Dealing with a baby who wont be put down

Q&A: My 8 week old son wont let me put him down throughout the day. Any tips/ideas on how to solve this problem?


Tips to keep unswaddled baby in one place when asleep

Q&A: Looking for hints and tips to help my 4mo ds stay in one place while he sleeps!?!

difficulty conceiving second pregnancy

Difficulty conceiving second pregnancy

Q&A: Just wondering if anyone else has had more trouble conceiving with their second?


Donating Eggs for IVF

Q&A: If you were in my position and asked to donate would you knowing that you would know and see the child and considering the child will be with another man that is not your husband and how it may affect everyone involved.

Remaining embryos

What would you do with remaining embryos?

Q&A: I’m pregnant with my 4th & last child & we used ivf. I now have two embryos left over & need to decide their fate. My options are donate, use for research or destroy. What would you do???