C-Section under General Anaesthetic
Q&A: What were your experiences with c section under a general anaesthetic?
C-Section Experiences
Parents share their C-section experiences. Tips to be prepared and for recovery from a caesarean from mums who have experienced it
Subsequent epidural injection after failure
Q&A: For my first birth I opted for an epidural and it was unsuccessful (only numbed my legs). I’m due with #2 in a few months and am tossing up whether to have another epidural or not.
Pain Relief Alternatives To Epidural in Labour
Community Tips: Parents share their experience with pain relief alternatives to epidural including saline injections, TENS machines, gas and showers
Dad: How to be helpful at your child’s birth!
Dad’s Role in Childbirth – Our resident daddy blogger, Chris, shares a poem about how dad’s role in childbirth
Breathtaking ‘Just Born’ Photography by Shannon Jensen
We love birth and Just Born Photography is an incredible example of beautiful, moving images. Birth photography is a special genre. It just makes you feel a certain way. Tingles. Goose bumps. …
Elective induction of labour
Just wondering if anyone has had an elective induction of labour ? Read midwife tips on induction of labour Positive experiences of induction here I have…my second was an …
TENS machine for pain relief in labour
Q&A: Just wanting to know experiences from people who used the TENS pain relief during labour. Did it work and was it worth it?
C Section or Natural Birth Which is Better
Q&A: For those Mum’s who have had both a natural labor and a c section, if you could choose, what would you prefer??
Babies Due Date Anxiety
Community Tips: Parents share their experience with anxiety and stress as babies due date arrives. Mum is ready to meet baby but feeling a lot of physical discomfort
Amazing Birth Photography by Allison Cox
There’s nothing more powerful, more amazing or more primal than giving birth. Allison Cox has captured the elation, the pain, the tears and the triumphs in a series of photos …
Delayed Cord Clamping – Midwife explains
Midwife Tips: Midwife, Michelle, explains what delayed cord clamping is and information on should you use delayed cord clamping with your children
Birthing Centre vs Hospital Birth
Q&A: What are people’s thoughts on birth centres Vs Hospital labour?
Experiences with Epidurals
Q&A: I was looking for people’s experiences with epidurals?
Tips for Dad’s in labour room
Q&A: I’m 39 weeks pregnant and wonder if anyone has tips for partners coming into the birthing room? I’m sure my husband would be very appreciative.
Pubic Hair and Labour
Expert Tips: Midwife advice on managing pubic hair and labour. All your questions answered on if you need a brazillian for your bikini line before the birth
Caring for older children when in labour
Parent Tips: Parents share their experience with finding an option for older children when in labour and no family or friends near by
Experiences with tearing or episiotomy in labour
Q&A: What are your experiences with tearing or having an episiotomy during birth?
What to do with older children when in labour
Q&A: Could parents in similar a situation please provide their experiences and advice
When to get in the birthing pool
Q&A: Am having my first home/water birth (my 5th pregnancy) and have been told not to get into the water too soon as this can slow the contractions down.
Breathing techniques for labour
Q&A: Just wondering if breathing techniques during labour helped or did everything go out the window once contractions started. I didn’t read up on or use these during my first and was wondering if it really is beneficial and if so what are some tips?
Amazing, heart-stopping birth photos by Laura Elie
Amazing birth photos that capture the pure emotion of birth and will make you reflect on your birth experience or imagine what birth would be like
Placenta Encapsulation
Q&A: I am interested in Placenta Encapsulation. Has anyone had any good experience with this and could anyone please highly recommend someone who does it from Joondalup Hospital?
Are birth plans worth the paper they are written on?
Expert Tips: Midwife shares the value of a birth plan and what should be included in yours in preparation of your labour
Private vs public maternity care in Australia
Community tips: Private v’s public to have baby in Australia? Good private obstetrician and your out of pocket expenses please. Just want to see if it is affordable going private.
Dads and Birth: What it was Really Like
Blog – The biggest and best surprise, however, was just how GOOD it is being a Dad. My wife and I were very happy before having kids – careers, lots of travel, good friends & good times – but it just doesn’t begin to compare to what we have now.
Episiotomy recovery with physiotherapy
Q&A: Has anyone had a midwife refer them to a physio because of a traumatic birth that required a large episiotomy?
Induction of Labour – positive birth stories
Q&A: Can anyone share their positive experiences with being induced?
Children in the delivery room
Children in the delivery room during labour and the birth – parents share their experiences
Delayed Cord Clamping
Q&A: Just wanting advice/information from parents who delayed cord clamping.