Caesarean Section: Dealing with the disappointment
I just had my third baby 4 days ago via emergency c section. My greatest fear was to have a section. I delivered first 2 naturally with complications but nothing …
VBAC with twins
Has anyone had a twin pregnancy after a singleton c section and been able to try for a vbac?
When did you experience Braxton Hicks?
How early did you experience Braxton Hicks?
Stretch and Sweeps – Are they painful?
Q&A: Stretch and sweeps are they painful?
What did you do in the early stages of Labour?
Q&A: How did you deal with early labour? Any tips for keeping your mind distracted or dealing with those early contractions for our mums-to-be? Any funny stories to share? I got a friend to braid my hair for no. 3 because I wanted one post-labour photo without my hair in an absolute mess!
Help with Anxiety before giving birth
Q&A: I think I sound stupid, but Im pregnant with my 5th child and am absolutely terrified of labour
Frank Breech Baby – Preparing for Delivery
Q&A: Has anyone had a vaginal frank breech delivery? Was it horrendous and full of intervention?
Multiple C-Sections
Q&A: How many c-sections have you had and did you make the decision in conjunction with your doctor and when did you make the decision to have your tubes tied
Q&A: I’m 36 wks pregnant and was wondering if anyone had any advice on hypnobirthing. I’m very worried about the second stage of labour and how to get through it. I’d really appreciate all thoughts. This is my third and have had previous traumatic experiences. I’m hoping to have a water birth and be drug free.
Acupuncture in Labour: Advice
Q&A: Would love to hear all of your experiences with acupuncture to induce labour and if it worked for you? Also any other tips would be great! Trying to avoid a medical induction
Q&A: I’m booked in to be induced next week. What can I expect?
Does a breech birth mean a caesarean? Midwife tips
Finding out your baby is in a breech position can be frightening and, for some women, disappointing as it means they have to have a caesarean delivery – or do they? Midwife Caroline May explains why many breech babies are delivered by caesar and whether vaginal delivery can remain as one of your options.
Midwife Tips: Breech babies
Babies are meant to turn themselves head down in the latter part of a pregnancy, but not all do with approximately 4-5% staying upright. Midwife Caroline May discusses some of the options available for mums to encourage their breech bub to turn.
What can a Doula do at Your Birth?
What is a doula and why do you want one?
What happens when your waters break
What happened when your waters broke? Any dramatic stories when out and about?
Doctor recommended caesarean
Q&A: I went to my doctor today for my checkup. I am currently 38 weeks along. He said to me he would recommend a c section as it is a big baby and because I am small with narrow hips it could make a mess of things if I give birth naturally. As this is my first I am very nervous about a c section and normal delivery, getting a nit anxious. Basically I’m just wondering if anyone else’s situation was similar and what they chose to do as I would rather the safest option for myself and my baby.
Signs of labour starting?
Q&A: How did you know that your labour had started?
Tips to bring on labour
Q&A: I’m two days past my due date and completely over it – it feels like this baby is never going to come! Did anyone manage to bring on their labour at home? Any suggestions?
Bloody show/Mucous Plug
Q&A: Yesterday I went to the toilet and there was clear jelly like discharge and last week I had that as well. But today there was a clump around the size of a 20 cent piece of light pink discharge, which I’m guessing was my bloody show. My question is how long after everyone had their bloody show did you go into labour?
What labour feels like
Q&A: I’m 3 days overdue with my first, just wondering how you would best describe a contraction or how did you feel when you first went into labour?
Membrane sweeps at 40 weeks pregnant
Q&A: I’ll be 40 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my midwife will be doing a membrane sweep when I see her Tuesday. Does anyone have stories to share for, ie if the sweep helped to bring on labour? I know it does depend on the person, just need something to keep me going!!
Hospital bag
Q&A: Hospital bag check list – for mum, partner and baby! What did you pack? What couldn’t you have lived without?
Pregnancy classes
Q&A: What activities or groups did you attend in pregnancy and would you recommend them?
Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home
One of the most common questions asked on the Baby Hints and Tips Facebook page concerns how to bring on labour, and advice given usually ranges from sex and nipple stimulation to bouncing on a fit ball, castor oil and hot curries. The question is however, is there any evidence that any of these things actually work?
Home birth – midwife tips
Home birth has always been a contentious issue in Australia, largely fuelled by the media and the medical profession. The biggest fears surrounding home birth usually boil down to one question, is it safe?
Expert Tips – Hypnobirthing
Many people hear the term HypnoBirthing and because they relate hypnosis to the most common form people see – Stage Hypnosis – they don’t really understand what it is or how it could possible help with having a baby. What follows is a brief explanation of what HypnoBirthing is, how it can help woman wanting a natural, drug-free and intervention-free birth, what is involved in attending a class and how and when is best to do so.
Medically inducing labour – midwife tips
There are many questions related to induction of labour but for this issue I will concentrate on medical ways of inducing.
Midwife Tips: Choosing where to give Birth
When it comes to choosing where to birth your baby there are many things to think about and it can be quite overwhelming, but choosing the right place for you can have an enormous impact on your pregnancy, birthing and post partum experience and it is not quite as simple as public vs private.
Preparing for labour
Midwife Caroline May shares her top five tips for not only surviving, but getting the most out of your labour experience (for you and bub).